by Authentic Man Astrology | Mar 22, 2013 | Astrology, Consciousness, Michael Reed
Remember when you were younger, perched at the edge of a diving board, you know, the really high one where you knew that if you didn’t dive in just the right manner you would be prone to what is affectionately known as a belly flop? Do we not fear those very... by Authentic Man Astrology | Dec 1, 2012 | Astrology, Consciousness, Michael Reed
If you watch small children, you will notice that at a certain point in their development, upon sensing restriction, they will press against the boundaries placed upon them in order to understand what results they will get. Although they are quite aware that they are... by Authentic Man Astrology | Nov 22, 2012 | Astrology, Consciousness, Michael Reed, Michael Reed Astrology Audiocasts
The fires of passion can quickly become a raging inferno consuming all who happen to stand in its way. But, the very same energy can be used constructively. We must become passionate about the change we wish to see in the world, Yet, our vision must be all... by Authentic Man Astrology | Sep 20, 2012 | Astrology, Consciousness, Michael Reed
Have you ever stopped to think about how complex our lives are? We become immersed in IPhones, SUVs and petroleum products, thinking that the latest and greatest will make our lives simpler. Using an SUV, we are sure that we can fit more stuff in and thereby... by Authentic Man Astrology | Sep 12, 2012 | Astrology, Consciousness, Michael Reed
Go outside on any clear night that you may be fortunate enough to have a vast view of the cosmos. Try to tune in, simultaneously, to both yourself and the wide expanse of space. What lies beyond those distant stars that you can faintly see? Then, concentrate on...