by Authentic Man Astrology | Nov 1, 2012 | Astrology, Consciousness, Michael Reed
‘If you are out to describe the truth, leave elegance to the tailor.’ – Albert Einstein How many thoughts do we think in the flash of a moment? How many emotions are attached to all those thoughts? How great a weight are we carrying? And why do we... by Authentic Man Astrology | Oct 31, 2012 | Astrology, Consciousness, Michael Reed, Weekly Authentic Horoscopes
In the Sound of Silence lies Wisdom. Ignorance thrives on incessant mental chatter. Mercury Retrograde need only be disruptive in order to induce a willingness to listen. This Tuesday, Mercury Stations before shifting direction. You can read my latest article on this... by Authentic Man Astrology | Oct 24, 2012 | Astrology, Consciousness, Michael Reed, Michael Reed Astrology Audiocasts
Creating a masterpiece of our existence warrants that we must follow our bliss past the Hounds of Hades, through the fires until we are purified of all that would block us from the core of our essence. Drunk with the love and passion for our purpose, we are unhindered... by Authentic Man Astrology | Oct 23, 2012 | Astrology, Consciousness, Michael Reed, Weekly Authentic Horoscopes
Why limit yourself, when the establishment is already doing it for you? As we approach a Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on 13th November, the Astrological Climate strongly supports the release of self-imposed limitations and the evolution of Creative Potential. And if in... by Authentic Man Astrology | Oct 21, 2012 | Astrology, Consciousness, Michael Reed
When we watch a master at work, we are in awe of their talents. Their actions seem to flow from the center of their being. It is as if there is no difference between the doer and that which is being enacted upon the field of play containing their masterpiece. A steady... by Authentic Man Astrology | Oct 18, 2012 | Astrology, Consciousness, Michael Reed, Weekly Authentic Horoscopes
Come Home to Authentic Man Astrology on Facebook Aries (21st March – 20th April) – Sometimes, we only become aware of our potential by facing our limitations. Yet, it is not our potential alone that enables us to cross that threshold of fear and doubt,...