Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 25th October, 2012

Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 25th October, 2012
Authentic Man (Michael Reed)

Why limit yourself, when the establishment is already doing it for you? As we approach a Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on 13th November, the Astrological Climate strongly supports the release of self-imposed limitations and the evolution of Creative Potential. And if in the process a few overly conventional apple carts are overturned, so much the better. I have written an article on this profound astrological event that you can read by Clicking Here!

Authentic Man is a Vedic and Western Astrologer, Advanced Reiki Practitioner, Kundalini Yoga Teacher, and an Interfaith Minister. To read more about him and his approach to his work, please read the section About Authentic Man

Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 25th October, 2012Aries (21st March – 20th April) – It is only through rising above the overwhelming sense of trepidation which is now influencing your decision making process that you are ever going to find any firm footing upon which to establish lasting security. Yet, you cannot deny those feelings of uncertainty. The best way that you can currently deal with energy that has such a high degree of ambiguity is to test the nebulous waters until the ripples settle enough to provide clarity. You are simply going to have to withstand those restless feelings for the time being, in order to attain your ‘eureka’ moment. But, one thing you can be certain of is its arrival. With patience comes resolution and healing. Consider bringing some deep healing to your life’s challenges by feeling the deeply therapeutic qualities of one of my Telephone Consultations. With clarity and awareness comes self-confidence. With the empathy and wisdom which come from my healing gifts, comes the opening of the pathway to self-love and pro-sperity. To learn more about my Consultations, please Click Here.


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 25th October, 2012Taurus (21st April – 21st May) – Sometimes conflict can only be resolved by a willingness to let go. If you love someone, set them free. Yet, this old adage need not only apply to a relationship. The same is also true of beliefs, perspectives and many other things. When we cling too tightly to something, we stand less chance of inviting in the Universal flow of love and prosperity. You can’t keep yourself under lock and key, but nor should you try to still something that is in desperate need of movement. Free your potential, release your love and welcome expansion. Allow me to help you to heal old karmic wounds and set you free to journey along a new path of self-love, expansion and pro-sperity through the profoundly deep and healing energy contained within one of my In-Depth Personalised Audio Reports. To learn more about them, and to read some testimonials of those who have already undergone their enlightening therapy, please Click Here.


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 25th October, 2012Gemini (22nd May – 21st June) – I am cautious about sharing this with you due to your tendency to prevaricate. But, there are certain rare occasions when a fluctuating and indecisive mind can be helpful. With reflective awareness, when we have sorted through the pros and cons of a situation, a balanced alternative can be found. You’re not now sure if you are convincing yourself of the impossible, or creatively visualising a potential opportunity. One thing is for certain; though there may be a nagging sense of frustration associated with doing so, you need to let your imagination run wild to the extent that your frantically paced mind exhausts itself. At that point, a creative answer can be found. Consider bringing some deep healing to your life’s challenges by feeling the deeply therapeutic qualities of one of my Telephone Consultations. With clarity and awareness comes self-confidence. With the empathy and wisdom which come from my healing gifts, comes the opening of the pathway to self-love and pro-sperity. To learn more about my Consultations, please Click Here.


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 25th October, 2012Cancer (22nd June – 22nd July) – Who can you be other than yourself? Such a seemingly insipid question to which the answer would seem obvious. Yet, there are many who act as if answering that question is a life-long task. Not you. You are undeniably willing to stand up against the greatest odds to savour the sweet taste of authenticity. Although your patience may be tried in the process, you have every right to dream into being the vision you now pine for. Try to understand the creative potential contained within seeming restriction. It is only through resistance that form can be attained. Allow me to help you to heal old karmic wounds and set you free to journey along a new path of self-love, expansion and pro-sperity through the profoundly deep and healing energy contained within one of my In-Depth Personalised Audio Reports. To learn more about them, and to read some testimonials of those who have already undergone their profoundly enlightening therapy, please Click Here.


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 25th October, 2012Leo (23rd July – 22nd August) – Although you may be able to put up a front of confidence, conviction cannot be mimicked by donning a poker face. It only arises from a sense of knowing. Nor can you supplant insecurity through prevaricating this week. It would seem as if you are just going to have to pick a side and dive in with as much commitment as you can muster. Be creative, be sincere, but also be passionate. If a brighter future is what you desire, you cannot reach it by hanging on to a disappointing past. How would you like a gifted personal healer to give you profoundly enlightening advice every week and help you overcome your life’s challenges as they arise? If you become an Authentic Subscriber, then this is exactly what you will get! Our monthly Authentic Subscribers’ Service is comprised of a 15 Minute Personal Audio Report provided by me every week based upon your complete Personal Astrology, not just your Sun Sign, with the initial report provided within 48 hours of your Subscription; plus, a twice yearly 50% discount on our 1 Hour Telephone Consultation price. Allow me to change your life for the better ~ every week! For more information, and to subscribe, please Click Here.


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 25th October, 2012Virgo (23rd August – 23rd September) – Curiosity may have killed the cat, but mundanity would have also buried it! When there are options that can be explored, why would you choose to be so sadistic as to subject yourself to a life of drudgery? Quite often, we become discouraged and throw in the towel when success is within reach. Yet the process of losing heart also has value. Though it may feel as if you have hit a new low, that perspective can help you to understand that your need to see things happen in a manner which would be pleasing to your mind is restricting you from experiencing something which would be far more harmonious for your soul. Would you like me to help you make truly positive and transformational progress along the path now opening up before you? If so, then please consider one of my deeply therapeutic and enlightening Telephone Consultations. Let me help you heal any old wounds so that you are free to move on. For more information, please Click Here.


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 25th October, 2012Libra (24th September – 23rd October) – Explore your passion unto the nether regions of the Universe. Are you still holding back? Hmmmm. It would seem that you believe yourself to be more limited than the Universe sees you as being. You think that there are certain rules to which you still must adhere rather than allowing yourself to explore the wild creative stirrings now awakening within. A belief which once necessarily sobered your imagination is now hindering it. A decision must be made to either give yourself permission to make a quantum leap forward or to hold on to the past for dear life. Fear not the tide which offers to sweep you away to more pleasant waters. Would you like me to hold your hand as you make that unnerving yet exciting leap of faith? I’m willing to do so! All you have to do to experience my intensely therapeutic spiritual healing and assistance as you swim towards a more pro-sperous and brighter future is to consider availing yourself of one of my In-Depth Personalised Audio Reports. Then, within 48 hours, my helping hand is yours for the taking! For more information, and to order, please Click Here.


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 25th October, 2012Scorpio (24th October – 23rd November) – If certainty is what you are seeking, you are not going to find it. If you desire freedom, it is yours to have. Being a doormat really doesn’t suit you. Your type was meant to continually strive towards higher skies, and to dream visions divine, rare and wild. None can come close to matching your intense levels of drive and desire. Sometimes, the loneliness of possessing such enigmatic zeal can feel like a curse rather than a blessing. You quite often feel misunderstood. But, depth is not meant to be understood, it is meant to be explored. Its sole friend is adventure. You need a change of scenery. It can either be found in greener pastures, or through a shift of perception. But, the time is now definitely long overdue for movement. Would you like me to help you make truly positive and transformational progress along the new path now opening up before you? If so, then please consider one of my deeply therapeutic and enlightening Telephone Consultations. Let me help you heal any old wounds and unlock your true potential so that you are free to move on. For more information, please Click Here.


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 25th October, 2012Sagittarius (23rd November – 21st December) – The concept of self-sacrifice can be approached from many different angles. But, you may find yourself privy to a unique perspective this week. In letting go of those very things which do not foster your potential, you are undergoing a profound transformation of recognising your own sanctity. There is absolutely nothing wrong in placing yourself on the altar of your own life. Although conflict may arise, do not shy away from it. Confront it headfirst. That is the only way that balance can now be found and maintained. Interestingly enough, you may ultimately find that it is also the only way a higher degree of peace can be preserved. How would you like a gifted personal healer to give you profoundly enlightening advice every week and help you to overcome your life’s challenges as they arise? If you become an Authentic Subscriber, then this is exactly what you will get! Our monthly Authentic Subscribers’ Service is comprised of a 15 Minute Personal Audio Report provided by me every week based upon your complet Personal Astrology, not just your Sun Sign, with the initial report provided within 48 hours of your Subscription; plus, a twice yearly 50% discount on our 1 Hour Telephone Consultation price. Allow me to change your life for the better ~ every week! For more information, and to subscribe, please Click Here.


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 25th October, 2012Capricorn (22nd December – 20th January) – Sometimes, in order to play your cards right, you have to take a chance on a whim that suggests that you seemingly play them wrong. I can hear the Capricornian mind churning, “Hmmmm, I’m not so sure about that.” But fortune does not always favour certainty. Nor does it always work to our method. Occasionally, we just have to take a gamble on our creative passion rather than what we think would be a prudent course of action. Following what you want will lead you in the right direction, even if the first several steps seem to turn out wrong. Would you like me to help smooth your journey as you take those first unnerving steps into a more pro-sperous and happier future? If so, all you have to do is to undertake one of my intensely therapeutic, healing and enlightening Telephone Consultations. For more information, and to begin the process of stepping out in a new, exciting direction, please Click Here.


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 25th October, 2012Aquarius (21st January – 19th February) – You were right to take a recent course of action, although it may now be under question. It’s just that now you are being asked to be a bit more frugal in your ventures. Do not perceive this as an excuse for stemming your creative imagination altogether, for you still need to let it flow to wild and strange lands. You are tilling the soil now for seeds to be harvested at some future moment. Now may only be planting season, but throwing your dreams away would only lead to an empty basket later. I can help you to reap a pro-sperous and happy harvest through the means of one of my profoundly enlightening In-Depth Personalised Audio Reports. For more information, and to read how they have helped former clients, please Click Here.


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 25th October, 2012Pisces (20th February – 20th March) – Question everything that you believe, but trust in the things that you know. A hunch is a hunch, but the feelings that have recently been surfacing for you are far deeper than that. You need to follow them through the dark of the forest so that they can lead you once again to the light of a clear blue day. The rains which now seemingly threaten are cleansing by nature, and it is sometimes only through a storm that much needed change can come. Passion and intuition are now your greatest allies. Though you may feel as if they will turn your world topsy-turvy, seeing things from an upside down perspective is much better than viewing them in plain black and white. Would you like me to help you through the dark forest and back out into the light of a more pro-sperous and happy new dawn? If so, then please consider availing yourself of one of my intensely therapeutic, healing and enlightening Telephone Consultations. For more information, and to begin your journey with me right by your side to ensure that you don’t lose your way, please Click Here.


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 25th October, 2012

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