Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 13th December, 2012

Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 13th December, 2012
Authentic Man (Michael Reed)

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Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 13th December, 2012Aries (21st March – 20th April) – An analytical mind can certainly be beneficial. It can enable you to see the field of play from a broader perspective. But, there are also times when such a mental state can be dangerous. It can lead us to mistrust, second guess and pick things apart when there is no valid reason to do so other than a past pain. So with that being the case, although it may feel best for you to pore over matters with a fine-toothed comb, you would serve not only yourself but also others better by maintaining your newly discovered sense of confidence and optimism. Don’t spoil something good by thinking it must be bad. Our monthly Authentic Subscribers’ Service offers you the opportunity to receive a highly informative Weekly In-Depth 15 minute Personalised Audio Report based upon your complete Birth Chart ~ in return you will be providing a vital part of the foundation for all of the work of Authentic Astrology. We’re working for Change, and we need you as part of the Authentic Team! For more information and to subscribe, please Click Here. AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 13th December, 2012Taurus (21st April – 21st May) – For the last several months, you have felt an inexplicable stirring within, but with an inability to put a finger on it. Now, it is putting its finger on you. The stirring has led to an awakening, and the awakening to being moved to act. There is no longer a need to hide behind a wall that someone else has constructed. The time is now to knock it down. Don’t doubt your strength. Instead, trust in its potential to set you free. Our monthly Authentic Subscribers’ Service offers you the opportunity to receive a highly informative Weekly In-Depth 15 minute Personalised Audio Report based upon your complete Birth Chart ~ in return you will be providing a vital part of the foundation for all of the work of Authentic Astrology. We’re working for Change, and we need you as part of the Authentic Team! For more information and to subscribe, please Click Here. AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 13th December, 2012Gemini (22nd May – 21st June) – There is a time of coming together, and there is a time of moving on. It is a truth of this existence that things come, and they go. And to try to hold on to something past its time is not only futile, but also harmful. There is a great potential now for change, and also for overturning a few overly conventional apple carts. Trust that in taking the plunge you are not only doing the appropriate thing for yourself, but also being of benefit to others. Our monthly Authentic Subscribers’ Service offers you the opportunity to receive a highly informative Weekly In-Depth 15 minute Personalised Audio Report based upon your complete Birth Chart ~ in return you will be providing a vital part of the foundation for all of the work of Authentic Astrology. We’re working for Change, and we need you as part of the Authentic Team! For more information and to subscribe, please Click Here. AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 13th December, 2012Cancer (22nd June – 22nd July) – It would benefit you to decide whose life you are going to lead this week. The one that you know to be right and valid for you, or the one that someone else thinks you should adopt to make their life less complicated. We can only ever be ourselves, and blocking the door to prosperity when it comes a-knocking does no one any good. Don’t restrain yourself when it comes to experiencing the joy of a life well lived, but be firm if facing conflict. Our monthly Authentic Subscribers’ Service offers you the opportunity to receive a highly informative Weekly In-Depth 15 minute Personalised Audio Report based upon your complete Birth Chart ~ in return you will be providing a vital part of the foundation for all of the work of Authentic Astrology. We’re working for Change, and we need you as part of the Authentic Team! For more information and to subscribe, please Click Here. AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 13th December, 2012Leo (23rd July – 22nd August) – When the Sun brightly shines, it illumines the way. And sometimes in the way, there are a few obstacles. That’s the difficulty about Light in general, it can show us only too vividly what is wrong. Luckily, it will also show how to remedy the difficulty, if we do not cower from the insight it offers due to a fear of exploring the unknown. Don’t dim down your light this week, for you now direly need its brilliance. Our monthly Authentic Subscribers’ Service offers you the opportunity to receive a highly informative Weekly In-Depth 15 minute Personalised Audio Report based upon your complete Birth Chart ~ in return you will be providing a vital part of the foundation for all of the work of Authentic Astrology. We’re working for Change, and we need you as part of the Authentic Team! For more information and to subscribe, please Click Here. AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 13th December, 2012Virgo (23rd August – 23rd September) – There’s no sense in avoiding the winds of change when they blow. Better to blow along with them than to become dust in their wake. Restlessness can either be your enemy or your friend this week. And you alone can make that decision. Move with the flow that is now compelling you. Certainly you could decide to fear your own mirror image. But, courage would ultimately serve you better than cowardice. Our monthly Authentic Subscribers’ Service offers you the opportunity to receive a highly informative Weekly In-Depth 15 minute Personalised Audio Report based upon your complete Birth Chart ~ in return you will be providing a vital part of the foundation for all of the work of Authentic Astrology. We’re working for Change, and we need you as part of the Authentic Team! For more information and to subscribe, please Click Here. AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 13th December, 2012Libra (24th September – 23rd October) – There is such a thing as striving too hard for balance. Equally, you can also be too philosophical about what you feel. Sometimes you just have to trust in your gut instinct. And, when you feel an urge to say something, just say it. It isn’t easy being a leader. When you are out in front, you are an easy target. But you need to now trust that you are absolutely safe in expressing what you are sensing. Any doubt? Sort it out. But, stop questioning. Our monthly Authentic Subscribers’ Service offers you the opportunity to receive a highly informative Weekly In-Depth 15 minute Personalised Audio Report based upon your complete Birth Chart ~ in return you will be providing a vital part of the foundation for all of the work of Authentic Astrology. We’re working for Change, and we need you as part of the Authentic Team! For more information and to subscribe, please Click Here. AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 13th December, 2012Scorpio (24th October – 23rd November) – Rather than being consumed by your feelings this week, allow them to instead wash over you and fill you with strength. Restlessness can often be the precursor for positive change. But, it is best harnessed through observing its peaks and valleys. At your core, you are in charge. It’s when you venture towards the fringe that you stand at risk of losing. Value your strength. Practice patience. The opportunity for positive and profound change shall soon arise. Our monthly Authentic Subscribers’ Service offers you the opportunity to receive a highly informative Weekly In-Depth 15 minute Personalised Audio Report based upon your complete Birth Chart ~ in return you will be providing a vital part of the foundation for all of the work of Authentic Astrology. We’re working for Change, and we need you as part of the Authentic Team! For more information and to subscribe, please Click Here. AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 13th December, 2012Sagittarius (23rd November – 21st December) – When the room feels stuffy, do you blame yourself for wanting to open a window? If you are in a crawlspace beneath a house, and there are some other critters there you would rather not share the space with, what do you do? Stay there out of a desire for them to not feel upset at your leaving? Or get out? I think that you know where this is going. You want a change. You are feeling too cramped and crowded. You can ignore the impulse if you wish. But the Universe is now supporting you in not only being fully expressive of your needs, but also in making sure that they are actually fulfilled. Would be a shame to waste such an opportunity, wouldn’t it? Our monthly Authentic Subscribers’ Service offers you the opportunity to receive a highly informative Weekly In-Depth 15 minute Personalised Audio Report based upon your complete Birth Chart ~ in return you will be providing a vital part of the foundation for all of the work of Authentic Astrology. We’re working for Change, and we need you as part of the Authentic Team! For more information and to subscribe, please Click Here. AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 13th December, 2012Capricorn (22nd December – 20th January) – Restlessness plus determination equals breakthrough. But control plus tunnel vision equals missed opportunity. Sorry to wax mathematically. But are you not going through such a process of balancing equations and trying to figure out the perfect way of making a particular change happen? Yes? In that case all you need do is to subtract extreme analysis from the crisis at hand and you will have sorted the most intense Capricornian equation ever. Trust more, obsess less. Our monthly Authentic Subscribers’ Service offers you the opportunity to receive a highly informative Weekly In-Depth 15 minute Personalised Audio Report based upon your complete Birth Chart ~ in return you will be providing a vital part of the foundation for all of the work of Authentic Astrology. We’re working for Change, and we need you as part of the Authentic Team! For more information and to subscribe, please Click Here. AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 13th December, 2012Aquarius (21st January – 19th February) – You can remain a slave to a lifestyle which doesn’t suit you, should you desire. Certainly, doing so may have its perks and benefits. There is something to gain from it after all. But, at what expense? In doing so, are you truly able to express yourself, or even be yourself? If  you fear that taking action would rock the boat to the extent that it capsizes and sinks, at least that is a better outcome than wasting your time rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. Our monthly Authentic Subscribers’ Service offers you the opportunity to receive a highly informative Weekly In-Depth 15 minute Personalised Audio Report based upon your complete Birth Chart ~ in return you will be providing a vital part of the foundation for all of the work of Authentic Astrology. We’re working for Change, and we need you as part of the Authentic Team! For more information and to subscribe, please Click Here. AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 13th December, 2012Pisces (20th February – 20th March) – Something scintillating is now on offer to you. But due to past difficulties, you feel restless and uneasy. Not about pursuing it, so to speak. For, it is now already in motion. But more so about the potential outcome. A thought seed is being planted which has the capability to blossom into something which is both highly rewarding and liberating. Try not to fear the restlessness you may now be feeling. Allow its energy to fill your senses and invigorate you. Our monthly Authentic Subscribers’ Service offers you the opportunity to receive a highly informative Weekly In-Depth 15 minute Personalised Audio Report based upon your complete Birth Chart ~ in return you will be providing a vital part of the foundation for all of the work of Authentic Astrology. We’re working for Change, and we need you as part of the Authentic Team! For more information and to subscribe, please Click Here. AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 13th December, 2012


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