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For Publishers
Aries (21st March – 20th April) – When I mention the unknown, does it fill you with a sense of dread? Or does it make you feel adventurous; passionate: Although you can sometimes have a penchant for the unexpected, you also occasionally have a strong desire to attempt to control the outcome of your actions. I am, by no means, suggesting that you don’t put forward effort towards something which is highly important to you. Quite the opposite. But, trust that you will be guided and protected rather than allowing yourself to be overcome by the frustration at your inability to micromanage. For just $6.00 per week you can have access to your own personal astrologer! ~ and receive a weekly 15 minute in-depth personal audio report based upon your complete birth chart ~ personally prepared by me. Be a vital part of our team and become an Authentic Subscriber ~ and thereby support all the conscious work of Authentic Astrology. Together, we’re stronger. AM
Taurus (21st April – 21st May) – We become comfortable with what we know, and quite often approach venturing into unknown territory with great trepidation. This is especially so during deeply transitional times when the world seems to be spinning at the speed of light, rather than simply turning once a day. There is a quickening. We are all experiencing it. Bur rather than resist it, what would happen if you embraced it? A new way of seeing things can be highly refreshing and inspiring rather than frightening. Invest wisely in your future with the assistance of one of my enlightening and clarifying astrological Telephone Consultations. We’re working for Change ~ and, together we’re stronger. AM
Gemini (22nd May – 21st June) – The type of change you need this week will not come without effort. But, there are certain actions that would be counterproductive. Blind persistence without perspective, for example, is the opposite of what you need. Try this week to think wider than your own point of view, and beyond the borders of your own heart to a vista that is more widely encompassing. How can the steps that you take now be of the best benefit to as many people as possible? Rather than armouring yourself, try instead to open your heart and mind. You can gain both the clarity and wider perspective you currently need through investing wisely in one of my In-Depth Personalised Audio Reports. Together, we’re stronger. AM
Cancer (22nd June – 22nd July) – True wealth is not acquired through hoarding and storing away. It comes through the act of release. In all honesty, we can never truly own anything. We are merely granted gifts to be utilised for our own well-being and evolution. The same holds true of relationships; they come and go for our benefit and that of others. To attempt to apply control counters prosperity. If you were to attempt to understand what you are now experiencing from a more objective point of view you would likely see that sometimes differences cannot be reconciled, only accepted. Equally, conflict cannot always be avoided. Accept as much and a tricky situation may simply resolve itself. For just $6.00 per week you can have access to your own personal astrologer! ~ and receive a weekly 15 minute in-depth personal audio report based upon your complete birth chart ~ personally prepared by me. Be a vital part of our team and become an Authentic Subscriber ~ and thereby support all the conscious work of Authentic Astrology. Together, we’re stronger. AM
Leo (23rd July – 22nd August) – The gifts of insight and truth are attained through surrender. But, when we desperately want something, it is hard for us to see. Pushing blindly through a situation will not prove helpful to you this week. Nor will trying to safeguard yourself against something that is ultimately inevitable. If you are willing to make yourself just vulnerable enough, clarity can be yours. But it cannot be attained if you refuse it by remaining obstinate. Invest wisely in your future with the assistance of one of my enlightening and clarifying astrological Telephone Consultations. We’re working for Change ~ and, together we’re stronger! AM
Virgo (23rd August – 23rd September) – I know this may sound far-fetched. But, just because something is seemingly impossible, it doesn’t mean that we should not give it a go. It is sometimes the action that delivers greater bounty than the outcome we are seeking from it. And quite often, the steps that we take create a further reaching ripple in time and space than we expected. So, that crazy idea of yours; will it work? No guarantees. But, you might as well try. Otherwise, we may never know. You can gain both the clarity and wider perspective you currently need through investing wisely in one of my In-Depth Personalised Audio Reports. Together, we’re stronger. AM
Libra (24th September – 23rd October) – Sometimes we simply have to trust in what we feel rather than go with reason. The mind will entrap you with the fear of uncertainty and insecurity if you allow it to. So, you may not know if what you are feeling compelled to do will set everything straight. Does that matter? Does it feel right in your heart? Then you certainly must trust it. Even if persisting brings a bit of chaos, sometimes that is just the exact type of ‘order’ that you need. For just $6.00 per week you can have access to your own personal astrologer! ~ and receive a weekly 15 minute in-depth personal audio report based upon your complete birth chart ~ personally prepared by me. Be a vital part of our team and become an Authentic Subscriber ~ and thereby support all the conscious work of Authentic Astrology. Together, we’re stronger. AM
Scorpio (24th October – 23rd November) – The Universe has given you a very wonderful gift. You are able to face circumstances which others might deem impossible – or just simply outright scary – and never lose your demeanour. Through the fog of fear and confusion, you are often able to see a clear path ahead that others might miss. Although there may now seem to be great restlessness building inside of you, your sense of determination can help to conquer a great obstacle. Invest wisely in your future with the assistance of one of my enlightening and clarifying astrological Telephone Consultations. We’re working for Change ~ and, together we’re stronger! AM
Sagittarius (23rd November – 21st December) – In order to gain, you sometimes have to let go. But to relinquish does not necessarily entail losing. A decision now approaches, and you are feeling in the throes of dilemma. Although you know what feels right in your heart, you are having a difficult time convincing your mind to go along with the appropriate steps. Move with conviction and you may find that you have made the best choice of your life thus far. You can gain both the clarity and wider perspective you currently need through investing wisely in one of my In-Depth Personalised Audio Reports. Together, we’re stronger. AM
Capricorn (22nd December – 20th January) – Does the current vignette the Universe is painting before your eyes seem eerily familiar? Whilst it is true that we cannot change the past, we sometimes get confronted with what seems similar to a previous tableau in order to see if we will choose a wiser course of direction than the one previously settled upon. A gateway is now open to you. The only thing keeping you from experiencing the greener pastures of distant shores is believing that something which once seemed impossible is absolutely feasible. For just $6.00 per week you can have access to your own personal astrologer! ~ and receive a weekly 15 minute in-depth personal audio report based upon your complete birth chart ~ personally prepared by me. Be a vital part of our team and become an Authentic Subscriber ~ and thereby support all the conscious work of Authentic Astrology. Together, we’re stronger. AM
Aquarius (21st January – 19th February) – As Mars enters your sign this week, you are being presented with the opportunity to make a confident leap forward in your life. Sadly, you are also being confronted with the residue of feelings over a recent transition which may have you longing for the days of yore. It will do you no good to have one foot on either side of the threshold. You must make a decision that ensures the strength of not only your next step, but the one that follows. Trying to safeguard a past that now needs to be left behind is futile. Don’t make the same mistake twice. Invest wisely in your future with the assistance of one of my enlightening and clarifying astrological Telephone Consultations. We’re working for Change ~ and, together we’re stronger! AM
Pisces (20th February – 20th March) – Don’t let your mind lead you astray from the garden path into the dark of the woods where you are unable to see the forest for the trees. Trust in your highest senses, your intuition and instincts. If you are facing what seems to be a crisis, look again. In a moment of insight you can gain perspective into the crux of the problem. If you can see it, you will know that you have been blessed. But in order to gain a glimpse, you must clear away the interference that can be created by pessimism. You can gain both the clarity and wider perspective you currently need through investing wisely in one of my In-Depth Personalised Audio Reports. Together, we’re stronger. AM
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