As Saturn and Uranus grow nearer to their opposition, we are seeing more of the effects of this astrological energy, which has the potential to cause the long established political and economic structures to collapse.
Poland has lost the majority of its government today in a plane crash that killed the president, the national bank chairman, chief of national security and members of parliament. All 97 passengers were killed in the accident. The flight was on its way to Russia to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the killing of thousands of Polish forces by the Soviet Union during World War II.
Matters are intensifying in Europe with the collapse of the Greek economy and an approaching general election in the UK slated for early May where it is quite possible that no party will have a majority, forcing a coalition government. As changes happen in Europe, which have the potential of deeply influencing the security of the Euro, the US dollar is also likely to be strongly affected in an already weak economy.
Stay tuned in the coming weeks for more information on the changes brought about by this intense alignment, and also for information on the approaching Grand Cross that is connected to a Lunar Eclipse in June. These are powerful times indeed.
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