Sun and Shadow! – Mercury in Purva Ashadha 31st December, 2019-7th January, 2020

Sun and Shadow! – Mercury in Purva Ashadha 31st December, 2019-7th January, 2020

Beneath all of the shadows that you cast on the world around you, where is the light? Trust me, we all have our shadows. And it is just as natural for them to get cast as it is for the Sun to shine overhead and cast the shadow of a tree on the ground! The fact of the...
Of Truth and Concepts! – Saturn-Pluto Conjunction and the Purva Ashadha Solar Eclipse

Of Truth and Concepts! – Saturn-Pluto Conjunction and the Purva Ashadha Solar Eclipse

Your ideas about the ‘Truth’ in one area of your life or another are being challenged! Please keep in mind during this approaching transition that simply because you are standing by what you feel to be the ‘Truth’ does not mean that things will...