Will you come and sit awhile,
my one true Prince of Love?
Bring music, laughter,
a warm embrace,
Chase life’s furrows
from my face –
But please do come,
‘till night’s stars vanish up above.
Will you come and sit awhile, and soothe my troubled heart?
Bring roses, silk and ginger spice,
Lemonade and sugar mice –
But please do come, ‘till morning’s glory calls us apart.
Will you come and sit awhile, sweet spirit from the past?
Bring fleeces, milk, and saffron rice,
Cleanse my heart of hate and vice –
But please do come, ‘till Sun’s rays shine forth at last.
Will you come and sit awhile, wipe away these lonely tears?
Bring wisdom, peace, serenity,
Impart soul’s eternal longevity –
But please do come, ‘till your love conquers all of my fears.
Would Love to Hear From You!