Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 17th January, 2013

Authentic Man
Authentic Man (Michael Reed)

On the 22nd and 23rd January ~ Mercury, Uranus and Jupiter engage in a series of powerfully harmonious alignments. Learn how to avail yourself of the opportunity now available to you through a Telephone Consultation with  Authentic Man (Michael Reed)

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Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 17th January, 2013Aries (21st March – 20th April) – If your heart tells you take action, then by all means listen. If it feels right in the depths of your soul, let nothing stop you. But, the moment your pride becomes involved, keep it in check. Pride has, at the very least two facets arrogance but also low self-esteem. If your self-esteem is low, don’t let it get the better of you. Trust. But, if your are too confident, and perhaps smug you might wish to consider adopting a more humble approach. Persistence alone is not enough to achieve your goals. On the 22nd and 23rd January ~ Mercury, Uranus and Jupiter engage in a series of powerfully harmonious alignments. Learn how to avail yourself of the opportunity now available to you through a Telephone Consultation with Authentic Man (Michael Reed). Together, we’re stronger. AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 17th January, 2013Taurus (21st April – 21st May) – Two beliefs that should never be cast by the wayside, your faith in yourself, and your trust in your higher guidance, or what some may call your guardian angel. Everything else is up for review at the moment. That may seem somewhat disconcerting as you usually hunger for security, stability and opulence. But, simply because there is much uncertainty at the moment, there needn’t be insecurity. You are being set free from something that has been far too burdensome. Problem is, you have become accustomed to carrying the extra weight. Find faith in that which is constant. Invest wisely in your future with the assistance of one of my enlightening and clarifying astrological Telephone Consultations. We’re working for Change ~ and, together we’re stronger. AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 17th January, 2013Gemini (22nd May – 21st June) – You are usually quite comfortable with a shift. You change your mind like some people would change their socks. But their is a transformation that you have recently been resisting. Part of doing so has been to your service as you have been waiting for the right moment. Yet, a little voice inside of you knows that you have also, on another level, been procrastinating. Let the monkey mind calm so that you can heed the voice of wisdom. Then all will be well and you may actually accomplish something. On the 22nd and 23rd January ~ Mercury, Uranus and Jupiter engage in a series of powerfully harmonious alignments. Learn how to avail yourself of the opportunity now available to you through a Telephone Consultation with Authentic Man (Michael Reed). Together, we’re stronger. AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 17th January, 2013Cancer (22nd June – 22nd July) – A change of priorities may be exactly what you need in order to get the ball rolling this week. Sometimes we channel our efforts in the wrong direction, thereby wasting time and energy. Could it be that you have been drastically trying to save a ship that has already sunk? Although the information you receive this week may not at first be to your liking, try to see the wisdom it has to offer. Then, follow its guidance. For just $6.00 per week you can have access to your own personal astrologer! ~ and receive a weekly 10 minute in-depth personal audio report based upon your complete birth chart ~ personally prepared by me. Be a vital part of our team and become an Authentic Subscriber ~ and thereby support all the conscious work of Authentic Astrology. Together, we’re stronger. AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 17th January, 2013Leo (23rd July – 22nd August) – In order to better relate to your situation, you must first learn how to more deeply relate to yourself. Trying to assert strength which you do not have may work momentarily, but the facade shall soon fade and the changes that have resulted will have no foundation. Even if initially you feel vulnerable in doing so, recognise your weaknesses as well as your strengths this week. Listen for a voice higher in richness than that of your intellect. And once you are able to hear its sonorous tones, allow it to guide you home. Invest wisely in your future with the assistance of one of my enlightening and clarifying astrological Telephone Consultations. We’re working for Change ~ and, together we’re stronger! AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 17th January, 2013Virgo (23rd August – 23rd September) – The greatest gift you have in overcoming your fears is your creativity. Use it and you shall go far. Allow stage fright to get the better of you, and you’ll only make a fool of yourself. Although I recognise that make it or break it situations can make you feel frozen and unable to act, you must come to a decision this week as to whether you are going to live in fear or be courageous as you rise to the occasion. There is no dignity in living on your knees. On the 22nd and 23rd January ~ Mercury, Uranus and Jupiter engage in a series of powerfully harmonious alignments. Learn how to avail yourself of the opportunity now available to you through a Telephone Consultation with Authentic Man (Michael Reed). Together, we’re stronger. AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 17th January, 2013Libra (24th September – 23rd October) – It is difficult to tune into your intuition in the midst of chaos. But attempting to do so will sharpen your skills. There is no such thing as a perfect situation, other than perhaps simply accepting each moment as being perfect the way that it is and trying to work with what you have. A wave of genius can come to you this week. But, only if you stop trying to force its arrival. Allow and accept. For just $6.00 per week you can have access to your own personal astrologer! ~ and receive a weekly 10 minute in-depth personal audio report based upon your complete birth chart ~ personally prepared by me. Be a vital part of our team and become an Authentic Subscriber ~ and thereby support all the conscious work of Authentic Astrology. Together, we’re stronger. AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 17th January, 2013Scorpio (24th October – 23rd November) – We pursue a course of action, more often than not, because we are looking for a specific result. But, sometimes the pursuit is the reward itself. You are trying to set yourself free from a difficult and tense situation so that you can explore all of the newness that you sense life has to offer you. The steps you have been taking, and continue to take, seem to be bearing results, slowly but surely. But, then again, perhaps you have already attained your goal. Your freedom has always been there, you have only needed to own it in order to enjoy it. Invest wisely in your future with the assistance of one of my enlightening and clarifying astrological Telephone Consultations. We’re working for Change ~ and, together we’re stronger! AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 17th January, 2013Sagittarius (23rd November – 21st December) – ‘When you are real, you don’t mind being hurt.’ Take a lesson from the Skin Horse in the children’s story the Velveteen Rabbit. When we make the brave decision to be authentic, it is only natural that conflict arises, both of the inner and outer sort. But ultimately, being real is far more rewarding than living your life behind the scenes. Take a courageous step in a real and true direction, but do not let your path then descend into the darkness of dogma or self-limiting beliefs. On the 22nd and 23rd January ~ Mercury, Uranus and Jupiter engage in a series of powerfully harmonious alignments. Learn how to avail yourself of the opportunity now available to you through a Telephone Consultation with Authentic Man (Michael Reed). Together, we’re stronger. AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 17th January, 2013Capricorn (22nd December – 20th January) – Stand in your strength. And don’t pretend any longer that you do not know that you have it. Even if you feel nervous, or undeserving, don’t flinch. Even if you face opposition, stand firm. But remember that strength becomes stronger when heightened by grace. Have the humility to accept an insight when you realise its existence and forward progress shall soon quicken its pace. For just $6.00 per week you can have access to your own personal astrologer! ~ and receive a weekly 10 minute in-depth personal audio report based upon your complete birth chart ~ personally prepared by me. Be a vital part of our team and become an Authentic Subscriber ~ and thereby support all the conscious work of Authentic Astrology. Together, we’re stronger. AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 17th January, 2013Aquarius (21st January – 19th February) – Don’t be afraid to explore wild and uncharted territory. You are being guided. All too quickly the voice of your fears can step in and keep you from living the enriching life that you so very much deserve. But you are a seasoned revolutionary, are you not? If you don’t know the answer to this, your fears may have already won.  If you do, then why procrastinate any longer? On the 22nd and 23rd January ~ Mercury, Uranus and Jupiter engage in a series of powerfully harmonious alignments. Learn how to avail yourself of the opportunity now available to you through a Telephone Consultation with Authentic Man (Michael Reed). We’re working for Change ~ and, together we’re stronger! AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 17th January, 2013Pisces (20th February – 20th March) – At first, I didn’t think I could fly. The sky seemed so vast, daunting; and I remembered the time that I fell from my nest. My wings were broken. Now they have healed. But that didn’t stop my fears from surfacing. Then, I remembered the freedom and strength of my soul. I soared to new heights as the wild blue beckoned me onwards and upwards. You can gain both the clarity and wider perspective you currently need through investing wisely in one of my In-Depth Personalised Audio Reports. Together, we’re stronger. AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 17th January, 2013


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