Vedic Lunar Scopes: Moon in Magha – 11th May, 2011

Vedic Lunar Scopes: Moon in Magha - 11th May, 2011Magha – Character makes a king

‘Constant development is the law of life, and a man who always tries to maintain his dogmas in order to appear consistent drives himself into a false position.’ – Gandhi

It is a Sacred Law that those who think they know everything are soon shown that they don’t. Wisdom is of great value, but it flows not to hearts and minds that are closed. Is the cloth that you weave woven of a thread with integrity? If not, it can quickly become unraveled. With the cessation of negatively dogmatic egotistical mindset, more swiftly may insight flow. Pave the way for the moment, and it will come.

‘Those who know how to think need no teachers.’ – Gandhi

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