Sun Opposes Jupiter November 2012 ~ Come Down from the Fence. We Could All Use the Wood!

Sun Opposes Jupiter November 2012 ~ Come Down from the Fence. We Could All Use the Wood!
Authentic Man (Michael Reed)

When you know the potential that you are capable of, why would you choose to live in ignorance of it? We dupe ourselves into believing that it is simpler to continue to live with the devil we know than it is to make a profound change that would ultimately be beneficial not just for ourselves, but for the good of all. We are currently under the influence of an intensifying opposition between the Sun and Jupiter in a week which will bring an additional two sharp aspects to Jupiter, one from Mars and the other from Venus. Now that we have come through the Eclipse Portal, we are being asked to expand and choose the path which supports the Deepening Conscious Awareness now becoming available to us. Join me today Wednesday 28th November at 4 pm Pacific Time for another edition of Authentic Astrology Radio. Please also feel free to call in and share your questions, experiences and most of all….your voice. You can do so by calling (619) 924-9759. Together we are stronger!

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‘Come Down from the Fence. We Could All Use the Wood!’ – Tom Waits

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