Old Haunt! – Mercury Retrograde 31st Oct 20th Nov, 2019

Though we tire of revisiting old ground, it is important for us to do for at least a couple of reasons. The first of these is to truly respect and understand what the fertile ground of the past brought forth into our life and how we benefitted from it. The second being to see what we need to leave behind in order to explore fresh territory! An ounce of separation offers a tonne of perspective! But, change sometimes needs to be gradual! It is not always possible to simply cut ties and move on! That may be too cataclysmic! You now recognise how much you have changed and you yearn for a new start! Over the coming weeks, you may find yourself feeling a deeper sense of restlessness. That will work it’s own changes. By early December, you will see things from a new perspective and the changes you desire will begin to be more firmly established.

Mercury Retrograde Group Session on Monday 28th October where I will look at this transit in relevance to the horoscopes of all attendees! Space is limited! Please Register Here!





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