Live Webinar: Varshaphala Level 2
The Fruits of the Vedic Solar Return!
Please register above. I hope you will join us!
Varshaphala are the ‘fruits of the year’! It is a technique of timing events that is simple and quick to learn the basics of! Rather than having to sort through the many events in the course of a year from a natal horoscope, a solar return chart is constructed for the year ahead! Then by simply using Patyanini, Mudda and Hadda Dasas one can, with practice, become adept at predicting events to within a few days!
It is a system of Astrology from the Tajika branch of Vedic Astrology introduced to India by the Persians. It incorporates several planetary strengths, Varga charts, and the exact calculation of what is called Tajika aspectual strength! Tajika works with aspects very similar to Western Astrology! So, it is an excellent point of entry into the world of Vedic Astrology for those who come from that particular background!. For those who could use more fine-tuning in terms of timing events, it is an excellent system to double-check events against for year ahead!
The Course starts Sunday 30th January from 6:30-8 pm London Time and will continue on consecutive Sundays for 30 weeks. This is the Second Level of the Course. The first Level is available as a Video Course for purchase if you would like to take it and catch up prior to the course’s commencement! Please Contact Me for details.
Class will be taught via Zoom Web Conferencing software which is available for free download by Clicking Here. To find out the time in your particular country, please visit . This time has been chosen with International consideration.
Each class is recorded to video and made available for download and reference. So if you have to miss classes, there is no problem with catching up with the material. Along with the videos of each class, powerpoint documents with class notes will be made available.
Some of the topics to be covered in this course are listed below. Please note that if we don’t make it through all of the topics below, they will be moved to an additional course. Though we will strive to make it through all classes, it is wisest from experience to not rush the learning experience as this course is taught in a classroom environment!
- Reviewing the 16 Tajika Yogas
- Sahams-the sensitive mathematic points in the horoscope which rule over various factors of life
- Timing Sahams
- Mudda Dasa
- Hadda Dasa
- The Five Elements and Varshaphala