Astrology Session
Designed for general purposes with your questions researched in advance of our consultation time.

Karmic Story
Would you like to learn your own Karmic Story? Want to know more about potential previous lifetimes? Want to understand how to add chapters, give the plot more meaning and build towards the best resolution possible?

Career Purpose
Let’s explore your skills and the talents that give you the greatest opportunity at getting ahead in life whilst also finding a meaningful career path that is both successful and prosperous.
Learn Vedic Astrology Online
Over 300 Hours of Courses Including These and Others through Easy Astrology Society Membership.
Your Heart Lights the Way!
The Stars Colour the Journey.
Anahata, a word in Sanskrit which explains a simple yet profound concept.
Most people know this word as it relates to the Heart Chakra, an energy center related to the heart in yogic thought.
Yet the translation of this word touches on something much deeper. Anahata means ‘the sound made by two things not striking each other’. In short it means not being at odds with yourself. Also translated to mean ‘un-wounded’, or whole.
Living from the Heart means living from your innocence and purity.
Astrology is a tool that can help us to understand the patterns that may rise and fall as we learn to stay aligned with the pulse of our spiritual heart, which in turn aligns with the Pulse of the Universe.
The foundation of my work is to use the tools of Astrology not only for prediction, but also to help you to liberate your Heart so you can live in purity and potential. I believe this is the path towards building the life of your dreams.
Astrology is here to show the colours and hues. Your Heart is the pure Light that illuminates the way.