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Easy Astrology Society 3 Year Gift Membership
$0.00 / year for 3 years
Here’s your chance to learn Vedic Astrology in a step by step manner without overwhelm… without language confusion… and without pressure!
It’s the Easy Astrology Society! We start with the basics, but give you space… and time… to grow your Astrological knowledge as deeply as you would like to!
The sky… and the stars… are the limit! And as we know, the heavens are limitless.
But we start our journey simply…at the beginning… ready?
Here’s what’s included with your Annual Membership!
- Stage by Stage Learning Evolution
- Regular New Content Added Perpetually
- Ask Me Anything Sessions Every Two Weeks
- Monthly Special Guest Master Classes
- Forums
- Social Media Groups
- Copies of All of Your Horoscope Charts upon Request
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