Working with Rahu and Ketu: The Dispositors Part 3

When we are working with the Dispositor or Lord of Ketu in order to determine how the agenda of Ketu will play out in an individual’s life, a special condition occurs when the Dispositor of Ketu shares the same sign as Ketu. The pull towards the previous karma as indicated by Ketu becomes very strong. Whatever Ketu relates to, the individual will spend more time with that karma than they will developing further. They may fall back on ‘what they know best’, whilst secretly desiring to develop further. Or, they may simply have more work to do with the previous karma. In the third part of the series on Rahu and Ketu, I talk about this special condition!


If you would like to learn more about how to work with Rahu and Ketu, there is an in-depth course which begins 6th May, 2017. For further information, please Click Here!


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