Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 4th June, 2014

Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 4th June, 2014

Please join me on Saturday 21st June 2014 at 9 pm London Time (4 pm US Eastern Time) for an Exciting Astrological Webinar where we will explore the indicators of Wealth and Success in your Birth Chart using the Ancient Art of Vedic Astrology. This workshop will provide you with a profound understanding of your own Personal Prosperity. When approached with awareness, both the ebbs and flows in the financial tide can contribute to future success. Through this workshop, you can learn how to make the most of both. No prior astrological knowledge is necessary.  As we will be working with the charts of all attendees, please allow two hours in your schedule. Fee for the class is $35. In addition to a PDF file of their birth chart, all attendees will receive a video copy of the Webinar for review at their convenience. Space is limited. So, pre-registration is necessary. For further information or to register, please Click Here.

You can also now read and enjoy my Weekly Horoscopes at The Maya Chronicle, a new, exciting independent online media enterprise for creative spirits, designed to positively enliven and enrich daily life as we head into a New Age for humanity.

Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 4th June, 2014Aries (21st March – 20th April) – You are not one to shy away from standing up against injustice when you see it. But, even you can reach a point where you begin to feel war-torn. Regardless, you need to try to dig down a bit deeper in your reserves. Are you going to let exhaustion get the better of you? Wimp!!! Now before you get angry….. Nah, get angry. See if I care! I am only trying to provoke that revolutionary spirit. Both you and I know that once you decide you’ve had enough, you will ultimately prevail. Once you have revived yourself, you will likely discover that what seems an ogre is really nothing more than a mouse. The power and truth of your heart have deeper grit than your problem. Seek refuge there and your slate will be cleared.
In addition to Astrological Consultations, I now offer In-Depth Personalised Video Reports! Available in three formats and a half hour in length, these reports allow me to share your chart with you and point out important details in addition to leaving you notes when necessary. If you have a specific question in mind, need a six-month outlook or just want to deepen the process of self-discovery, these reports are ideal! For further information and a brief tour, please Click Here.[ssboost]


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 4th June, 2014Taurus (21st April – 21st May) – Take your time. Get it right this time! For all your strengths, you sometimes have a tendency to let an impulse get the better of you. Don’t let restlessness overcome you as it will eventually derail you from the path you have embarked upon. The driving force of liberation is prompting you to take action. And whilst its input is not one that you can or should ignore, you want to keep it reined in. An idea has been set in motion. And it deserves a little more time to begin to bear fruit. Yet, patience is not something which you currently have in abundance. As frustrating as it may feel to do so, let the momentum build for now. The resultant passion is something which you can make great use of.
My foundation level course, The Universal Language of Vedic Astrology, is designed to provide you with an organic and empathic relationship to the Planets, the Universe and your own soul through the art of Vedic Astrology. You will gain the necessary tools to use the Vedic system of astrology as a tool not only for self-development, but also for counselling others. This twenty hour class is taught via web conference which will enable sharing of screen, creation of notes, file sharing, plus many more deeply interactive class opportunities. Additionally, each class is saved to a video file and made available to registrants for further study and integration. For further information or to register, please Click Here.[ssboost]


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 4th June, 2014Gemini (22nd May – 21st June) – Although you may feel driven to push yourself a bit harder, you will currently accomplish more if you are gentle with yourself. Allow healing to occur at an organic pace rather than trying to push it along. Whilst it is true that you have been dealing with an issue for quite some time, plastering over the cracks is not going to mend the vulnerability which lies beneath. All in due time. For now, surround yourself with those whom you love and who make you feel loved in return. Envision both you and them as whole. Don’t doubt the power of creative vision. It is a powerful healing force. Don’t try to speak the words that you think will solve matters. Instead, simply feel them, taste them, relish them and know that doing so sets energy in motion in a much more powerful and subtle manner.
To further facilitate the healing process, why not consider one of my New Astrological Consultations? One hour in length, these consultations can be conducted via web conference, allowing for a deeply interactive experience which allows me to share your chart with you and point out important details in addition to leaving you notes when necessary. Additionally, it’s recorded to a video file for you to go back and watch again and again. For further information and a brief tour, please Click Here.[ssboost]


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 4th June, 2014Cancer (22nd June – 22nd July) – Relationships of all types often function as a mirror. Please ponder these questions. How often have you seen something in another that you find annoying or even appalling only to discover that you have a similar trait which is equally innervating? And how often have you admired someone but somehow thought yourself unworthy? Have you ever considered that they may look at you and feel exactly the same? The truth is that you are not only worthy, but also powerful and intuitive. Don’t be so quick to criticise, either yourself or another. Instead , be given to self-praise and equally offer the same support to others. Acknowledge your good qualities and you will bolster them. A profound opportunity is now on offer to you. But to truly avail yourself of it, you need to know and wield your strength responsibly. Courage plus intuition will now get you far. Follow your hunches. Doubt less.
My foundation level course, The Universal Language of Vedic Astrology, is designed to provide you with an organic and empathic relationship to the Planets, the Universe and your own soul through the art of Vedic Astrology. You will gain the necessary tools to use the Vedic system of astrology as a tool not only for self-development, but also for counselling others. This twenty hour class is taught via web conference which will enable sharing of screen, creation of notes, file sharing, plus many more deeply interactive class opportunities. Additionally, each class is saved to a video file and made available to registrants for further study and integration. For further information or to register, please Click Here.[ssboost]


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 4th June, 2014Leo (23rd July – 22nd August) – Those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it. So the saying goes. And those who do not learn from their past quite often find themselves being plagued by the same set of circumstances. Is that why you are currently cutting a rod for your own back? I suggest that you put your whittling aside and devote your time and attention to more appropriate matters. It is all to easy to be duped by a spectre of the past. Have you truly made a mistake? And if so, who benefits from guilt? Only courts, judges and the taxman. If you will but cease your self-flagellation and shift your attention to a dawning insight, you will find yourself attaining deeper levels of progress. Stand strong. Don’t get pulled down.
My New Astrological Consultations can help you to stand tall! One hour in length, these consultations can be conducted via web conference, allowing for a deeply interactive experience which allows me to share your chart with you and point out important details in addition to leaving you notes when necessary. Additionally, it’s recorded to a video file for you to go back and watch again and again. For further information and a brief tour, please Click Here.[ssboost]


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 4th June, 2014Virgo (23rd August – 23rd September) – Humans are, for all intents and purposes, animals. And as such, we have certain instinctual patterns. As a result, we don’t feel comfortable in exposing our vulnerability as we fear that it will be exploited. Although you now need to let someone know that you are dealing with feelings of just such a nature, they also need to understand that you are willing to stand in strength in order to heal them; even if doing so means losing their connection. Don’t be pressured into forcing a process due to another’s need for expediency. You now need to explore your options for the future and decide how you feel about each of them. Even if you are pretty sure that you have a good idea of which way the wind is blowing, you owe it to your own mental health to attain a level of clarity which provides confidence and determination, free of interference.
In addition to Astrological Consultations, I now offer In-Depth Personalised Video Reports! Available in three formats and a half hour in length, these reports allow me to share your chart with you and point out important details in addition to leaving you notes when necessary. If you have a specific question in mind, need a six-month outlook or just want to deepen the process of self-discovery, these reports are ideal! For further information and a brief tour, please Click Here.[ssboost]


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 4th June, 2014Libra (24th September – 23rd October) – Don’t question your judgement too deeply. Although it may be true that a hunch is nothing more than a silly notion, can you really afford to forego testing its veracity? A little voice in the back of your mind is by the day becoming louder. Its divine purpose is to spark your determination. A particular set of circumstances has been exceptionally dissatisfying for quite long enough now. And although you may have recently found that you were blaming yourself for a particular problem. The blame does not lie with you quite as much as you may think that it does. Have the self-dedication and devotion to trust your own judgement and stand in strength. Apply your attention to a new path which is unfolding before you. Avoid getting pulled into a senseless squabble or indulging in feelings of low self esteem.
An Astrological Consultation can help you to identify the opportunities now available to you for hope and prosperity! One hour in length, these consultations can be conducted via web conference, allowing for a deeply interactive experience which allows me to share your chart with you and point out important details in addition to leaving you notes when necessary. Additionally, it’s recorded to a video file for you to go back and watch again and again. For further information and a brief tour, please Click Here.[ssboost]


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 4th June, 2014Scorpio (24th October – 23rd November) – Your intuitive faculty, when functioning properly, will never steer you wrong. The problem is that it is all too easy for a deep feeling or conviction to interfere with this higher realm of communication. Fear and doubt, when not curtailed, can distract and divert you from the very thing that you should now be doing. You pride yourself on self-reliance, and are not one to trust lightly. But, you could now benefit from the support of another. A connection has recently been through a rough patch. Investing your faith enough to allow yourself the assistance you deserve can bring vital healing to both parties. Now is your chance to be free of the past once and for all. Prosperity awaits. Don’t waste the opportunity.
My New Astrological Consultations can help you to clear your communication with your higher faculties. One hour in length, these consultations can be conducted via web conference, allowing for a deeply interactive experience which allows me to share your chart with you and point out important details in addition to leaving you notes when necessary. Additionally, it’s recorded to a video file for you to go back and watch again and again. For further information and a brief tour, please Click Here.[ssboost]


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 4th June, 2014Sagittarius (23rd November – 21st December) – Although compromise can sometimes be helpful, it often contravenes the true desires of both parties involved. Honesty is more enriching and ultimately enlivening to relationships as it allows both to truly connect with the other from a space of authenticity. Why try to force an agreement? Instead state you case and allow space for another to do the same. Although it may seem detrimental to a vital connection to do so, it is actually of benefit. Compromise, in this instance does not contribute to trust. Patience, tolerance and clarity will however. If any sacrifice now need be made on either side, let a long term goal wait rather than try to force its realisation. A deeper connection will lead to a higher level of success in attaining your aspirations.
In addition to Astrological Consultations, I now offer In-Depth Personalised Video Reports! Available in three formats and a half hour in length, these reports allow me to share your chart with you and point out important details in addition to leaving you notes when necessary. If you have a specific question in mind, need a six-month outlook or just want to deepen the process of self-discovery, these reports are ideal! For further information and a brief tour, please Click Here.[ssboost]


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 4th June, 2014Capricorn (22nd December – 20th January) – Result based thinking may sometimes get the job done, but not always. The Universe does not always cooperate with plans and practicalities. So, it would only stand to reason that the tried and tested will occasionally leave you empty-handed. So, what to do when that happens? Reach for another method? In certain rare cases the most impractical and seemingly foolish approach can actually be the most sound, even though your logic may tell you much to the contrary. Dare to be imaginative. Whilst it may be true that there is no concrete evidence that doing so will bring the tangible results that you seek, is your previous approach getting you any closer to target? So, what do you have to lose? Nothing it would seem. And what do you stand to gain? At the very least a more enriching journey as you explore and satiate your wildly creative side. At the greatest? A solid breakthrough is now on offer.
My foundation level course, The Universal Language of Vedic Astrology, is designed to provide you with an organic and empathic relationship to the Planets, the Universe and your own soul through the art of Vedic Astrology. You will gain the necessary tools to use the Vedic system of astrology as a tool not only for self-development, but also for counselling others. This twenty hour class is taught via web conference which will enable sharing of screen, creation of notes, file sharing, plus many more deeply interactive class opportunities. Additionally, each class is saved to a video file and made available to registrants for further study and integration. For further information or to register, please Click Here.[ssboost]


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 4th June, 2014Aquarius (21st January – 19th February) – That feeling in your chest, could it actually be the stirring of spring in your soul? Or is it merely heartburn brought on by the burrito that you had to chomp down in a rush during your lunch break? One way to find out…. push the desk aside, walk to the windows and throw open the sash. Fill your lungs with the fresh air which is blowing in after a long storm. So what if everyone, including the boss, is watching you! Do it anyway! You deserve it! Explore that feeling with wild abandon. Your mind needs a break from the drab and dreary; not only this week, but from this moment onwards. Be true to your heart. Liberate it and let your mind follow suit. Dare now to soar where angels fear to tread.
In addition to Astrological Consultations, I now offer In-Depth Personalised Video Reports! Available in three formats and a half hour in length, these reports allow me to share your chart with you and point out important details in addition to leaving you notes when necessary. If you have a specific question in mind, need a six-month outlook or just want to deepen the process of self-discovery, these reports are ideal! For further information and a brief tour, please Click Here.[ssboost]


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 4th June, 2014Pisces (20th February – 20th March) – I want you to believe. Even if you feel that you have no reason to and nothing or no one in whom to place this trust, you can at least invest in yourself. The egg in which you have been encased for some months is ready to be pecked open. Break the shell now! Emerge! And as you step out, wag your tail a bit for good measure! Even if you don’t feel your wings are strong enough, you owe it to yourself to spread them and take flight. You may fall, true. But you will ultimately stay afloat. And when you do, witness all that you can take in with your sweeping gaze. Don’t pick some fixed point. See it all in its vastness. It’s yours to explore. Fill your senses. Time now to trust in the creative flow which moves within you. Much of what you wish to manifest will soon be yours to experience.
My foundation level course, The Universal Language of Vedic Astrology, is designed to provide you with an organic and empathic relationship to the Planets, the Universe and your own soul through the art of Vedic Astrology. You will gain the necessary tools to use the Vedic system of astrology as a tool not only for self-development, but also for counselling others. This twenty hour class is taught via web conference which will enable sharing of screen, creation of notes, file sharing, plus many more deeply interactive class opportunities. Additionally, each class is saved to a video file and made available to registrants for further study and integration. For further information or to register, please Click Here.[ssboost]

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