The Astrology of India, Vedic Astrology, is rich in wisdom and profound in accuracy. If you would like to learn this Ancient Art, I am currently offering a course via Interactive Web Conference. The Universal Language of Vedic Astrology – A Foundation Level Course is Twenty Hours in Length and can be completed in as few as Ten Easy Sessions. For more information, please Click Here. And if you wish, you may also contact me via email to attend a Free Introductory Webinar on Wednesday 23rd April at 9 pm London Time.
Aries (21st March – 20th April) – You are not able to control the actions of others. However much you might like for them to behave in a manner which boosts your security, it is not their responsibility. There is only one person who can do that, and you know who that person is. (Just a hint in case you don’t, you see them in the mirror each morning.) You can see the way forward. However deeply you would like to avoid that step, your date with destiny is nigh. You may not be able to change others, but you can change your approach. Your loyalty to another will best be noticed by you giving them a bit of air to breathe and space to move. The good times need not necessarily end, it is merely that there needs to be time to heal old wounds. You can heal your own wounds by understanding them more deeply. And, Vedic Astrology can hold the key. I am presently offering a brief FREE INTRODUCTORY CLASS on Vedic Astrology via Web Conference on Wednesday 23rd April at 9pm London Time. To reserve your space or for more information, please Contact Me.
Taurus (21st April – 21st May) – The air is beginning to clear, but I must stress that this is only the beginning. And it is usually when we sort through the wreckage that we recognise the amount of work that needs to be done in order to rebuild. So, it’s no use focusing on the past. Grieve it and let it go. Welcome in all that is positive. Along the course of the week, there will be some key decisions that need to be made in regards to the path forward. You now have a chance to start again. Allow all that is wonderful to return to your life, rather than trying to force it to do so. It will naturally find its way in. The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology, or Nakshatras as they are also known are further divisions of the Zodiac Signs. They help to further fine tune the understanding of your Personal Birth Chart. Join Michael on Friday 25th April at 9 pm London Time for this Interactive Workshop via Web Conference where he will discuss the Birth Star, or Nakshatra of all individuals who attend. For more information or to register, Please Click Here.
Gemini (22nd May – 21st June) – Okay, time to roll up your sleeves and get back to work! Does the thought frighten you? What now lies ahead of you need not do so if you approach it with a sense of adventure. You don’t have a problem, you have an opportunity. And, a rather large one at that. Take a look at the recent trials you have been through. What have they taught you about where you now need to focus your attention? Put more faith in the path that you are forging and do not allow any bumps, twists or turns to deter you. Surround yourself with the love and richness you deserve and it will turn any daunting hardship into potential. The key to inner potential lies within, and a Telephone Consultation can help you to find it!
Cancer (22nd June – 22nd July) – Most of us spend a large majority of our lives striving hard to earn and achieve, and quite often going against the very essence of our nature. Much more can be accomplished with less effort. This realisation may have recently dawned upon you. But, it has not trickled down into the realm of action. You don’t need a trickle, you need a river. Trickle down theories are for politicians and others bent on control. The more you try to micromanage your life, the more quickly it will pass you by. Take the high road, trust in what you know to be right in your heart and have faith. It will see you through the next couple of weeks in a rather profound manner. Learning Vedic Astrology can see you through your lifetime in the same way. I am presently offering a brief FREE INTRODUCTORY CLASS on Vedic Astrology via Web Conference on Wednesday 23rd April at 9pm London Time. To reserve your space or for more information, please Contact Me.
Leo (23rd July – 22nd August) – I know that old sayings may sound rather trite. But, the truth really will set you free, no matter how unpalatable it may seem. More so than most, you have the strength to face challenges and endure. And, it is precisely that staying power that can presently work in your favour, no matter how tough times may seem. This is a pivotal moment for you. Some adjustments will need to be made. But, that is not too horrendous, is it? Overturn all that you are now frightened by with the confidence that the tide will soon turn in your favour. As it soon will. The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology, or Nakshatras as they are also known are further divisions of the Zodiac Signs. They help to further fine tune the understanding of your Personal Birth Chart. Join Michael on Friday 25th April at 9 pm London Time for this Interactive Workshop via Web Conference where he will discuss the Birth Star, or Nakshatra of all individuals who attend. For more information or to register, Please Click Here.
Virgo (23rd August – 23rd September) – So much is resting on the decisions that you now make. And you know that the choices that you make will have an impact that is far- reaching. Perhaps that is why you have such a deep feeling of trepidation. There are some choices which you are likely to have to make along the way which will be unpopular. But, this is your life, not a fashion show. And something has to shift soon. Getting into a panic about it all will not sort anything. So, drop any guilt about what you may have to do. All will be well in the long run. And to continue in the same manner that you have been would not be helpful to anyone, least of all you. I would like to help you find the way forward. Please consider having a Telephone Consultation with me an we will take a deep look at your Personal Astrology.
Libra (24th September – 23rd October) – A little hard work can be good for the soul. But being your own taskmaster isn’t. So, don’t take the frustration out on yourself. And where you are seeing that no progress is being made, don’t persist with the same approach. Sometimes only a minor adjustment is needed. Financial pressure can wreak havoc on our psyches, and your happiness is much more important than the contents of your bank account. The two need not necessarily be tied together. As we are now in the period between two eclipses, think about the you that you would like to see more of in the future. Start forming a relationship that entity now. A profound new way of self-relating can be discovered through the Astrology of India. I am presently offering a brief FREE INTRODUCTORY CLASS on Vedic Astrology via Web Conference on Wednesday 23rd April at 9pm London Time. To reserve your space or for more information, please Contact Me.
Scorpio (24th October – 23rd November) – You’re through the worst of it. Better times lie ahead. And although things are certainly not perfect, they are on their way to getting there. So, why then would you wish to revert to a past way of thinking and reacting? It no longer suits you. Drop the suspicion. Allow trust to be your virtue and sacrifice any fear onto the altar of truth. The brambles and briars are being cleared. Your heart can now open with no danger of it bleeding. The aching bit? Well we know how you appreciate the intensity of passion and yearning. You have longed for a channel for it. And now you have it. So, why hold back? The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology, or Nakshatras as they are also known are further divisions of the Zodiac Signs. They help to further fine tune the understanding of your Personal Birth Chart. Join Michael on Friday 25th April at 9 pm London Time for this Interactive Workshop via Web Conference where he will discuss the Birth Star, or Nakshatra of all individuals who attend. For more information or to register, Please Click Here.
Sagittarius (23rd November – 21st December) – Sometimes it can be very good to not have any inkling of what lies just around the bend. Surprises provide us with the juice of life. So, be patient with the process that is developing and relish the repose available to you as you are now between one phase of your existence and another. Where the dazzling rays of brilliance shine in, fear not their light even if they expose the spots where you feel most vulnerable. That vulnerability is only being brought to your attention so that you may bring closure to anything which may remain unresolved. In the realm of personal relationships, be less demanding and enjoy what you have in the moment. I can help you to turn vulnerability into strength through a deeply interactive Telephone Consultation.
Capricorn (22nd December – 20th January) – Inside of you, you know that you have to be true to your destiny. You can sense the potential for things to unfold in a rather wondrous manner. But, inside of yourself, perhaps you don’t trust that fully? After all, you have been hurt before and what is to say that you won’t again. Take heart that the past can only exist in the present when we open the door of our memories. Certainly, there will still be pressure in your life. But, it is how you respond to it that makes the difference. Yes, you will have to work hard. But, you will likely enjoy it! Yes, you will need to be patient. But, a masterpiece is worth time and devotion. You can now say goodbye to fear if you will simply muster the effort to do so. The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology, or Nakshatras as they are also known are further divisions of the Zodiac Signs. They help to further fine tune the understanding of your Personal Birth Chart. Join Michael on Friday 25th April at 9 pm London Time for this Interactive Workshop via Web Conference where he will discuss the Birth Star, or Nakshatra of all individuals who attend. For more information or to register, Please Click Here.
Aquarius (21st January – 19th February) – You stand poised on the threshold. The only thing which could potentially hinder your progress is a lack of creativity. Sometimes we don’t see opportunity even when it is right in front of our very eyes. Look again! Do you see it yet? Think of that step which you have been feeling indecisive about taking. Taking the plunge could open up a whole new can of worms. Yet, isn’t a new can of worms preferable to one that is old? The reality of something which you have recently needed to come to terms with may be leaving you feeling like you don’t know what to believe anymore. But, can you not see that as a blessing rather than a course? You can open your eyes to this potential, and many more through learning the astrology of India. I am presently offering a brief FREE INTRODUCTORY CLASS on Vedic Astrology via Web Conference on Wednesday 23rd April at 9pm London Time. To reserve your space or for more information, please Contact Me.
Pisces (20th February – 20th March) – The best thing you can do for yourself at the moment is to allow yourself to feel secure with what you have rather than being afraid of what you may lose. Fear will just have to find another path if you face it head on with all of your strength. Although it may feel like you can never bring enough into your life, you can have it bestowed upon you simply by trusting that your storehouse will not empty but only build. Whilst some effort will definitely need to be taken on your part, you are now barking up the wrong tree by behaving in such a fear induced manner. Move with that which inspires you and don’t be distracted. The strength to overcome is rooted in faith. Allow your approach to be based upon trust. We can discuss the path ahead through a deeply interactive discussion of your Personal Astrology during a Telephone Consultation.
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