Your focus needs to be less on what you are trying to achieve and more upon the state of mind that you need to be in to be able to achieve it! You are uncertain of what it is that you need to do! You are confused and in one moment that has you feeling a bit hesitant and then the next, a bit ferocious! But amplifying the passion behind your efforts is not likely to bring the shift you desire! The deeper you try to dig your heels in that particular manner, the less progress you are likely to see and the deeper the doubt you are likely to encounter. But if you take the time to see things in proper perspective, you will find not only your potential but also the clarity of vision and purpose with which to direct it!

The end of December brings some rather powerful Astrology with a Solar Eclipse in Purva Ashadha Nakshatra coinciding with a Saturn-Pluto Conjunction in Uttara Ashadha! Find out what it means for you by schedulin an Astrological Consultation! Pre-Recorded Consultations at a 10% Discount using the Code WINTERPRE when scheduling before 11 pm London on 5th December!



