Vedic Lunar Scope Video – Chitra 22nd July, 2015

Uncertainty may surround you now like a thick fog. But inside, there is a dawning light of awareness! What is the one thing of which you are certain? There is a driving force guiding your actions…a knowing, an understanding. In terms of how to manifest your vision, you can see several different options. You are confused as to which is the right one. Something of which you are sure is that this time around, things will be different. You have learned from your mistakes and are now stand poised to create something meaningful. It’s just that you may not feel as if you have the proper support with which to achieve your aims. You are lacking one factor and have yet to find it. You are being pulled in several different directions at once. And due to this, you feel as if you are accomplishing little. Come back to centre. Remember that one thing that you do know. It truly is enough to guide the way.


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