Have you ever had a close-up view of an impressionist painting? That which is seen in detail is a far cry from the ‘big picture’. In order to imbibe the true meaning of the masterpiece, one has to step back, perhaps even let your eyes go blurry. How does that relate to your present situation? Could you be missing the forest for the trees? Might a sense of anxiety or restlessness be hindering your ability to cut to the heart of the matter? If the reality you are being presented with is creating such a state, might there be a greater depth of meaning beyond the first impression? Look again from a different perspective, one of greater awareness.
I will be holding a workshop The Lunar Mansions: Fine Tuning the Music of the Spheres at the Kairos School of Astrology in Glastonbury, UK 8th March, 2014. Advanced registration for the course is £50. For more information on the course, please Click Here.
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