Vedic Lunar Scope: Chitra 19th February, 2014 - Friend or Foe?Doubt is often a hard foe to understand. Could it be disguised as our friend? A friend is known in the Heart. And, only your heart knows the truth. Yet, where there is conflict within there may also be delusion. So hard to trust in such circumstances. Where do your values now lie? Your doubt is your ally inasmuch as it will guide you, when confronted, to a state of surety. Have the faith and courage to face it.

I will be holding a workshop The Lunar Mansions: Fine Tuning the Music of the Spheres at the Kairos School of Astrology in Glastonbury, UK 8th March, 2014. Advanced registration for the course is £50. For more information on the course, please Click Here.

About Michael Reed