Whilst information may be desired, it can also occasionally be misleading. Sometimes messages flood in to the extent that we find ourselves dealing with too much to process. Uncertainty builds and we do not know which direction to choose. Should we practice patience whilst waiting for a better option? Should we act upon impulse out of a desire to bring an uncomfortable situation to a conclusion? Somewhere in the midst of all the perplexing details with which you are being faced lies an opportunity. But to see it, you need silence. In order to have that, you merely need to be patient and aware. Our monthly Authentic Subscribers’ Service is comprised of a 15 Minute Personal Audio Report provided every week based upon your COMPLETE Personal Astrology, NOT just your Sun Sign, with the initial report provided within 48 hours of your Subscription; plus, a twice yearly 50% discount on our 1 Hour Telephone Consultation price. For more information and testimonials, please click here.
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