Although it may be frustrating to not attain the level of movement you were perhaps hoping for, a lull will actually serve you well. You need time to gather your resources and information before the next phase. There are certain factors about which you are uncertain. But, you actually may feel inspired or excited about this rather than puzzled and bothered. This is a sure sign the tide is turning, confidence is building and you are prospering thorough working more in harmony with yourself!
Although the Solar Eclipse in Pisces has now passed, a potent energy lingers. We are now in the midst of an eclipse portal, which happens twice a year. A Lunar Eclipse in Libra takes place on the 4th April. The two week period in between eclipses is a powerful time for focusing intent on the area of your life impacted by the eclipse portal. To learn more about which area of your life this is impacting so that you can most deeply avail yourself of the cosmic opportunity at hand, please consider one of my Astrological Services!
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