Total Lunar Eclipse in Sravana Nakshatra 27th July, 2018


Reason can sometimes act like a disease of the mind! You may presently see too many sides of a situation to the extent that you are paralysed and unable to discern what the right and wrong things to do are! And the more you churn it over, the more confusing it becomes! That is because this is a situation that is not meant to be solved rationally, but instead with reflection and intuition! Mercury stations retrograde in Magha Nakshatra as we approach a Total Lunar Eclipse in Sravana Nakshatra! You now need to listen for inner guidance rather than analyse a situation to the nth degree!





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  • Needs to Be Question about One Specific Thing
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  • Insight into One Specific Career Question
  • May Ask up to Three Specific Questions
  • Consultation Length Determined by How Long it Takes to Answer Questions Thoroughly
  • Examines the Karmic Implications in the Horoscope
  • Facilitates Self-Knowledge and Understanding of the Soul’s Trajectory
  • Identifies the Moksha Graha, the Planet that Can Be the Guiding Force toward Karmic Resolution
  • Allows for Three Specific Career Related Questions
  • For Those with Whom I Have Previously Worked
  • May Ask up to Three Specific Questions
  • For Those with Whom I Have Previously Worked
  • Up to Five Specific Questions Allowed
  • Allows Up to Two Questions
  • Examines Karmic Implications
  • Facilitates Self-Knowledge and Understanding
  • Deals with Pressing Needs and Fosters Self-Knowledge
  • Initial 90 Minute Consultation, develop healing plan
  • 90 Minute Consultation Each Month
  • Remedial recommendations
  • Self Homework will be given
  • Email access for crisis moments
  • Initial 90 Minute Consultation, develop healing plan
  • 90 Minute Consultation Each Month
  • Remedial recommendations
  • Self Homework will be given
  • Email access for crisis moments

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