In Episode 4 of The Galactic Lounge Live, Nicole Brenny of joins me to talk about Divination tools as Tools for Empowerment. Astrology, Tarot, Cards of Truth, etc. are not meant to rule your life. Part of the work of the Soul is to engage and work out the situations we are meant to learn from. If we try to micromanage life with divination or allow predictions to dictate to us, then we are not living as empowered humans. You were born to have responsibility for your decisions and to make those decisions from the heart. It is through living from this heart-driven space, with no regrets, that we become aligned and empowered. Divination helps us to understand the moment and indeed understand ourselves. But it is not meant to tell us what to do or what not to do.
Ready to Go Beyond Prediction to Empowerment? You Will Get So Much More from Astrology from Doing So! Schedule an Empower Hour!
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