Time is Ripe! – Mars in Swati 16th November-7th December, 2019

The impetus for creating a shift is quite strong! And you know that you need to take action whilst the timing is ripe for you to do so! But the plan you have in mind would likely mean that you have to go against something or someone you still feel connected to! It would be nice if you had the support that you needed. But the issue is that if you wait too long to commit to one path or the other, the drive will lessen, your awareness may wane and action may at that time not be fortuitous. By all means, work for the support that you need. But if you need to commit in one direction or another, you would be best served setting your course prior to the beginning of December! Don’t prevaricate until you are able to understand with precision when the insight which you are gaining is clear enough!

December and January bring the intensification of a powerful alignment between Saturn and Pluto in Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra! Find out what it means for you personally by Scheduling a Consultation today!





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