Moon in Uttara Ashadha – This is all about you and the contract you made with yourself! You know, the one you kept hidden in the bottom drawer of your subconscious mind because you wanted to conveniently forget, thinking it would make you life easier! Only, it didn’t. So, let’s revisit that agreement. It is filled with one big word… Trust. Trust in yourself, Trust in the Universe and Trust that the two are One and the Same. Remember this agreement and don’t file it away anymore. It will save you a lot of senseless wandering in the wilderness!
Emergency Help is Needed for Myself and My Family! We Have No Funds for Accommodation Tomorrow. I Have Created a Facebook Post That Explains the Situation. Please Consider Helping?
Daily Panchanga
Vara: Saturn
Tithi: Shukla Trayodasi
Karana: Taitila
Yoga: Saubhagya
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