Moon in Magha – When you take a look at the situation confronting you, you may be thinking, ‘Why bother?’ Why indeed! So move on from the ‘bother’! You may not feel like your point of view matters, but it does! You just can’t make it matter to anyone else but you! But, do you really need to? Before you start saying yes, slow down a moment! Your point of view doesn’t matter most likely because you are not letting yourself mean something to the person who matters most…meaning you! Honour your word and commitment to yourself today! It means the Universe!

Want to learn the Nakshatras of Vedic Astrology, the Lunar Mansions as they are sometimes called? Join myself and those already signed up for Cosmos and Consciousness! It is sure to be a lot of fun!

Vara: Moon
Tithi: Krishna Ekadasi
Karana: Bava
Yoga: Subha