The Big Win – Moon in Mula September 22nd, 2023


Moon in Mula – Sometimes, it doesn’t go your way! Harsh as it may seem, that is something we have to accept! But what if you could make it go your way by trying to understand it is not always about outcomes, but instead the tact, grace and dignity with which you handle the situation! Did you stand by what felt right in your Heart in the face of adversity? Even though you knew you may not win? You see, it isn’t always about short term gains, but instead the big win… knowing and trusting your Soul!

Eclipse Season is Soon Upon Us! Learn How to Make the Most of the Months to Come! Schedule and Eclipse Consultation!

Vara: Venus
Tithi: Shukla Ashtami
Karana: Vishti
Yoga: Saubhagya

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