by Michael Reed | Dec 17, 2021 | Astrology, Consciousness, Lunar Scopes, Michael Reed, Vedic Lunar Scopes Archive
Moon in Mrigasira – Sometimes we are spot on about our life’s purpose! At other times, we miss it completely! Which side of the fence are you on in that regard? Well, let’s just say that occasionally flying pigs are just your kind of thing! You feel...
by Michael Reed | Dec 16, 2021 | Astrology, Consciousness, Lunar Scopes, Michael Reed, Vedic Lunar Scopes Archive
Moon in Krittika – In deeply analysing a situation, you are trying to understand why it seems to be falling apart! The hope is that in finding the reason, you can keep it from doing so! But to be fair, there are several reasons as to why you are going throuogh...
by Michael Reed | Dec 14, 2021 | Astrology, Consciousness, Lunar Scope Videos, Lunar Scopes, Michael Reed, Vedic Lunar Scopes Archive, Weekly Video Forecasts
Venus Stations Retrograde Conjunct Pluto – It is only natural that with love comes the fear of loss! The same holds true for anything that we value within the earthly realm. There is always the potential for us to lose what we gain! Perhaps the lesson here is...
by Michael Reed | Dec 13, 2021 | Astrology, Consciousness, Lunar Scopes, Michael Reed, Vedic Lunar Scopes Archive
Moon in Ashwini – Though you may not always be able to establish the level of harmony that you desire within your external environment, you do not need to be at war within. Be solid within yourself, whatever you are going through! It is easy to feel confused and...
by Michael Reed | Dec 12, 2021 | Astrology, Consciousness, Lunar Scopes, Michael Reed, Vedic Lunar Scopes Archive
Moon in Ashwini – You feel uncertain and at a loss of what to do next. Ordinarily at times like this, the answers naturally come to you! But, you are feeling too caught up in the whirlwind to allow any level of insight to appear before it is quckly swept away...