Swati (Niṣṭyā) 6th February, 2018 – One of Those Instances

Choices are many! And that has you feeling restless and perhaps a little uncertain. And all of this at a time when you really need to muster as much strength and confidence as you can. But it is better to explore that restless urge rather than deny it. It is sure to point out all of the potentials! And in seeing them lucidly you will be enabled to come up with a decisive answer! Confusion in certain instances leads to clarity. And now is one of those instances!


Daily Panchanga

Vara: Mars
Tithi: Krishna Saptami
Karana: Bava
Yoga: Vriddhi


Now that we have passed the Total Lunar Eclipse, we are in the powerful period between eclises as a Solar Eclipse takes place 15th February! To find out about the impact of this Celestial Event upon your own personal astrology, please Click Here!

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