Superhuman! – New Moon in Anuradha 26th November, 2019

There is no honour lost in trying! None gone amiss in tapping into your potential and trying to do your best! Your devotion is rock solid, and that is something to be aware of! But now to the little matter, or perhaps not so little, of feeling as if you are coming up short! Some things are beyond your control, beyond anyone’s control! And when effort is there and resistance seems like it won’t budge, it is sometimes best to take a deeper look at your situation than it is to push ahead blindly. There is something beneath the surface you are missing, or something at the surface you are seeing incorrectly! Pause for a moment in the midst of tension to take a deeper look!

Daily Panchangam
Vara: Mars
Tithi: New Moon Amavasya
Karana: Naaga
Yoga: Sukarman

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