Pushya 1st March, 2015 – An Open Door

Drawing a line between the past and the present is not such an easy task. It’s not only the memories that creep in. But, the emotions are sometimes so realistic that you may as well be in that particular moment. You know now what you are meant to do. But you still find yourself unable to do it. But there are no points to be scored for devotion when the object for which you pine cannot respect your zeal. Know that a door has not closed, but another opened.

Between now and 3rd March, Jupiter and Uranus will be intensifying their harmonious aspect. It’s good that things have been static in a certain area. There has been a missing piece of the puzzle. Soon it will fall into place and unlock another door! If you would like to know more about how this aspect will impact you personally, please consider one of my Astrological Services!

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