Purva Phalguni (Pūrve Phalguṇī) 2nd February, 2018 – Be Whole

You may be concerned about which approach you should take. But the best way to deal with the current situation is to simply be true to yourself. The rest will work itself out along the way. In the end, that is the only choice you have. In the final moment, it is all you are left with. What you are trying to hold together cannot be as strong if you are not as well. Don’t be half a person. Be whole!


Daily Panchanga

Vara: Venus
Tithi: Krishna Tritiya
Karana: Vanija
Yoga: Sukarman


Now that we have passed the Total Lunar Eclipse, we are in the powerful period between eclises as a Solar Eclipse takes place 15th February! To find out about the impact of this Celestial Event upon your own personal astrology, please Click Here!

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