Purva Ashadha (Pūrvā Aṣāḍhāḥ) 11th February, 2018 – Consolidation

You’d like to think that you have a clearer idea of direction. But in actuality, you are confused! Trying to ‘pull it together’ will only likely cause things to fall apart. The foundation is weak and you need to consolidate your energy before trying to make a bold push. Don’t fool yourself. Take your time!


Daily Panchanga

Vara: Sun
Tithi: Krishna Dvadasi
Karana: Kaulava
Yoga: Siddhi


Now that we have passed the Total Lunar Eclipse, we are in the powerful period between eclises as a Solar Eclipse takes place 15th February! To find out about the impact of this Celestial Event upon your own personal astrology, please Click Here!

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