Ask Me a Question


Limited Time Only! Have a pressing question that you really need the answer to? Need greater clarity prior to making a decision?

Ask Me a Question and leave your birth information at checkout and I’ll have your answer for you within 2 weeks. This service is Pre-Recorded only and is not a live session. It’s a maximum of 15 minutes length, which is ample time to address the question asked.

Please note there are specific guidelines for this session. (Please See Below)


– You are not allowed to ask what you should do for a living as that is handled in the Career Purpose Analysis.

– No sub-questions allowed. For example if your question is about when you might get married, that is one question. It is not fair to ask what the person will be like or how the marriage will be. These are separate questions.

You can, however, re-order as often as you like or schedule a full consultation.

– I will only look at one Horoscope for this. Please, no compatibility questions.


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