One Question Service Person to Person

Before Selecting the Appropriate Button Below, Please Read the Following About My Approach to Astrology and How to Get the Most From Your Consultation. I Assume All Whom Have Paid Have Done So. Many Thanks and I look Forward to Serving You! When You Have Selected the Appropriate Button For Your Consultation, Your Consultation Will Be Added to the Shopping Bag at Top Left. Please Click Shopping Bag When ready to Pay!

I am now doing all of my consultations now as a pre-recorded option. Should you wish to schedule person to person, that is also possible but incurs an extra fee, which would be $25 extra if you have booked a One Question Consultation or Basic Career Consultation and $50 extra on all other options. Doing person to person for me becomes exhausting due to the fact of being very empathic. Additionally, it requires more in terms of scheduling and brings greater potential for rescheduling, etc. Should you desire person to person, please let me know and you will be invoiced separately for this.

With the pre-recorded consultation, what you are actually doing on my Booking Calendar is setting aside a slot for your work to be scheduled in. It functions in a manner similar to a queue. In doing so, your consultation should be made available for you to download from a private cloud folder within at least 10 days of your scheduled date. But often, it will be available for you within a day or two. I do things in this manner as I have found that it actually helps me to avoid having a long waiting list for my clients like many other well known astrologers who quite often have a three to four month waiting list. I tend to be able to process clients much more quickly without having to make them wait by working on several projects simultaneously. This is one of the several reasons I gravitate more to the pre-recorded consultations. It requires less admin and in the long run, I am able to help more people in a more expedient manner. The ten day policy also allows time to compensate for heavy work-load, technical issues, illness, etc. all of which us mortals fall prone to upon occasion. Should you need further clarification on this, please do not hesitate to ask. I like doing detailed work and believe in striving to offer the greatest level of service. If you have needs that are time restricted, please let me know in advance.

Here is a little bit of information in regards to my approach to astrology and a few guidelines which should help me to help you better. I do ask that you please read over it.

First of all, though it may seem like senseless astro-babble, I like to inform my clients that where possible I prefer to work with the tropical zodiac using sidereal nakshatras and a special ayanamsa using the Galactic Centre as a reference point. Both the sidereal zodiac and tropical zodiac have the capacity to produce exceptionally accurate information and predictions. Neither is intrinsically right or wrong in my opinion. Ultimately, what sets a strong foundation for an accurate prediction is an astrologer’s faith in his techniques and the client’s faith in the astrologer. With these two criteria fulfilled, an accurate consultation can be given using any set of calculations. However, with the techniques that I use I have found the tropical zodiac with sidereal nakshatras to give more precision. The scientific foundation for using these calculations is further substantiated by information which appears in two Ancient Classic texts, the first is Surya Siddhanta which is the ancient astronomical text which is foundational to Vedic Astrology and the other is Srimad Bhagavatam, one of the eighteen great puranas of Vedic Literature. But, my own scientific conclusion for using these techniques has come after testing both systems over hundreds of charts. If you have had a Vedic Consultation before with another astrologer who was not using this system, then some of the sign positions of your planets may change. As I pride myself on delivering the greatest accuracy that I can to my clients, I prefer to use this system.

Prior to your consultation, I will need for you to send me your birth information if you have not done so already. Additionally, I will need your questions that you are looking for the answers to. The best approach that can help me to serve you most efficiently is to be concise and direct with your questions. What follows is an example of both a broad question, which is difficult to answer efficiently and a concise question which will help you to gain the greatest level of service.

Broad Question: What can you tell me about relationships?

Concise Question Examples: Relationships are a troubled area for me, can you please explain why I have a hard time keeping love in my life?

Do you see a relationship happening in the next several months?

Will I ever get married?

Please also do not ask a question within a question. Though it may not seem like it from the perspective of the client, these types of questions do involve separate lines of research. Here is an example:

Relationships: I would like to know if I will ever marry? If so, what is my spouse likely to look like? Where will I meet them? Will we stay married for the rest of our lives? Will we have children?

Often from the point of view of the client, this may seem like something an astrologer can see at a glance into relationships. But answering these questions effectively requires separate lines of research.

Should you have opted for the pre-recorded option, should you have any questions that need clarifying after listening to your consultation, I humbly request that you let me know as soon as you are able so that your horoscope is fresh in my memory. Please also refer in your email to the time in your video about which you have questions (e.g. 19:43, 28:00, etc.) That way I can refer to your video so that I can answer your questions more efficiently.

As an astrologer, I appreciate your feedback so that I can always fine tune my capacity to serve you better. So, please let me know how things work out in relation to your report. I especially like hearing about the progress that you as the client have made with the information provided.

Many thanks for your interest in scheduling an astrological consultation with me. I consider my opportunity to serve you a privilege! Should you have any additional questions prior to your consultation, please do let me know.

Many thanks again for scheduling with me!

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