November 2014 Monthly HoroscopesI am now also offering Monthly Video Horoscopes! In addition to my site, you can find them, and much more on my YouTube Channel! Subscribe to it for free and you will be updated every time I post something new, which is at least once a week!

November 2014 Monthly HoroscopesAries (21st March – 20th April) – There’s no doubt about it. There are words that need to be spoken between you and another in regards to the path that now lies ahead and what will be entailed in traversing it. You are a warrior at heart Aries. And, you will stand strong for those whom you love. But occasionally you do so to your own demise and ultimately to that of others. Following on the heels of last month’s Eclipse Portal, you have become stronger at also going to battle for yourself and your own needs. This is certain to be a month where boundaries are established and life changing choices are made. There is a greater level of your own potential available to you now than there has been in quite a long time. It’s time that you availed yourself of this energy for your own good. And if it benefits you, then others who are in your life will only prosper as a result, even if they are initially unhappy with the changes
In November, Mars and Pluto make an explosive and passionate connection whilst both planets form a tense alignment with Uranus. If there has been a state of limbo in regards to a specific area of your life for far too long, this is likely to be the month where a powerful shift occurs. To find out how this powerful time will affect you personally, please consider one of my vast array of Astrological Services!


November 2014 Monthly HoroscopesTaurus (21st April – 21st May) – Let’s please take a look at the stress and conflict that has been plaguing you for so long. Do you really need it? Most certainly not! And this month, to the degree that you are determined to clear it from your life, you will succeed in doing so. The problem is, there’s baggage attached. One part of you thinks that you need it or deserve it and all that it entails. But you don’t. You would travel much lighter without it. In order to now move forward, you are going to have to let go, at the very least, of something. Pride may be a deterring factor in doing so. But you have more options for the future than you may imagine. And you will discover many more the moment you decide to let go. Later this month, you must make a choice between allowing a drama to continue in your life or establishing a boundary that works progressively at getting rid of it. That drama will fade rapidly to the past the moment that you decide to see it, and all of its ugliness with open eyes.
In November, Mars and Pluto make an explosive and passionate connection whilst both planets form a tense alignment with Uranus. If there has been a state of limbo in regards to a specific area of your life for far too long, this is likely to be the month where a powerful shift occurs. To find out how this powerful time will affect you personally, please consider one of my vast array of Astrological Services!


November 2014 Monthly HoroscopesGemini (22nd May – 21st June) – To say that you’re sociable would be a vast understatement! As this is the case, you like to be accommodating and flexible to the needs of others. But even you have your limits in terms of how far you will go in doing so. Or, at least you should! It is quite likely that you have had enough of the type of treatment and seeming disrespect you have been receiving from another. This month provides you with an opportunity to clear the slate. But, you will have to tell it like it is even if doing so means letting go of an important connection altogether. By repressing it no longer, so much stands the chance to open up for you. Real connections are the ones that can endure the Truth. If there cannot be clear communication, then there is only a superficial veneer that will wear down with the test of time. So, harsh as it may seem, you will be doing both yourself and another a huge favour in opening up.
In November, Mars and Pluto make an explosive and passionate connection whilst both planets form a tense alignment with Uranus. If there has been a state of limbo in regards to a specific area of your life for far too long, this is likely to be the month where a powerful shift occurs. To find out how this powerful time will affect you personally, please consider one of my vast array of Astrological Services!


November 2014 Monthly HoroscopesCancer (22nd June – 22nd July) – Did you ever stop to think of all the pleasure you may have missed out on in life due to either a reluctance to express your feelings or a tendency to hold yourself back? What if I told you of all that would be possible if you were willing to stop such seemingly ‘prudent’ actions. There’s an old saying, ‘You can’t gather water with closed fists.’  To embrace more, you have to let go of your iron grip on the reigns of your life and let your heart have its heyday. There is a self-limiting view that you have been prone to for far too long. And it’s high time it was consigned to the rubbish heap. If there’s something on your mind or in your heart, hold onto it no longer!
In November, Mars and Pluto make an explosive and passionate connection whilst both planets form a tense alignment with Uranus. If there has been a state of limbo in regards to a specific area of your life for far too long, this is likely to be the month where a powerful shift occurs. To find out how this powerful time will affect you personally, please consider one of my vast array of Astrological Services!


November 2014 Monthly HoroscopesLeo (23rd July – 22nd August) – If I could point out the largest source of stress in your life, would you be willing to take a look at it? Would you perhaps not only be willing to take a look at it, but potentially think it wise to eradicate it from your life altogether? Why do you feel you have a vested interest in seeing it continue? What holds you back from getting rid of it? Dignity! Or your idea of it, at least. Look someone has to tell you. It might as well be me. The main source of stress in your life is you! You’re pushing yourself too far out of a desire to create a greater degree of stability in your life. And, one part of you knows it as well. But you think that if you were to stop such foolish behaviour, you would lose face. Such is not the case. You would only become more successful as a result. You need to now simplify, not complicate your life. There is a difference between working hard with no inspiration for what you are doing, and putting passion behind your actions. The first could be considered a form of self-enslavement, the latter an act of love. And from love, only good things grow. Set yourself free from a tedious task this month and embrace a labour of love.
In November, Mars and Pluto make an explosive and passionate connection whilst both planets form a tense alignment with Uranus. If there has been a state of limbo in regards to a specific area of your life for far too long, this is likely to be the month where a powerful shift occurs. To find out how this powerful time will affect you personally, please consider one of my vast array of Astrological Services!


November 2014 Monthly HoroscopesVirgo (23rd August – 23rd September) – When we reclaim our power, so much changes in our life for the better. But initially, the process may seem a bit disconcerting or potentially even devastating. One thing is for certain. When you have the courage to reclaim your power, you learn who your friends are. They are the ones who congratulate you and support you in doing so. But, there are also those proclaimed friends who feel threatened by your strength. Your relationship with them is bound to change. It has to. Hopefully, you have learned from the mistakes of the past that it is not wise to dim down your light. To do so would only cause you to dwell in darkness. And we both know you have better things to do with your life, don’t you? So much is now on offer to you. But to avail yourself of it, you must be willing to now wield your strength with wisdom and courage.
In November, Mars and Pluto make an explosive and passionate connection whilst both planets form a tense alignment with Uranus. If there has been a state of limbo in regards to a specific area of your life for far too long, this is likely to be the month where a powerful shift occurs. To find out how this powerful time will affect you personally, please consider one of my vast array of Astrological Services!


November 2014 Monthly HoroscopesLibra (24th September – 23rd October) – There are times when we can all feel a little lost. The important thing to remember at such times is that you mustn’t lose hope also. If things are not as financially fluid as you may like, or if your ideas meet with resistance; try to see that somewhere there is a silver lining. You just have to find it. And when things are so foggy, that can be quite a task. But it is there! And this month, you are likely to discover it in the place you least expect it. What’s creating the resistance in your life? What’s at the root of all the issues? There’s a need to be realistic and face the facts, no matter how much you’d rather avoid them. How can you ever hope to find the perspective you need on a difficult situation if you doubt its validity the moment it presents itself? There’s something or someone that you feel passionately about. But your passion is obscuring your vision. The moment that you decide to not let your feelings get in the way is the moment that much will change in your life for the better. And, it is then that you will find the stability you desire.
In November, Mars and Pluto make an explosive and passionate connection whilst both planets form a tense alignment with Uranus. If there has been a state of limbo in regards to a specific area of your life for far too long, this is likely to be the month where a powerful shift occurs. To find out how this powerful time will affect you personally, please consider one of my vast array of Astrological Services!


November 2014 Monthly HoroscopesScorpio (24th October – 23rd November) – Are you ready? It doesn’t matter! The Cosmos thinks you are! And it wants to make damn sure that you are compliant with its desires! Hmmmmm……that sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Could there be someone else who has had a long history of wishing to make sure that you are compliant with their every whim and fancy? Well, the good news is that with them, it’s time for you to stop. But in regards to the Cosmos, well I’m afraid that you will just have to cooperate, at least a smidgen! But you are likely to find that you and the Universe have a similar agenda, your well-being! So, don’t resist the temptation anymore. That ache inside of you? Follow it until it is satiated! Those words you need to say? Say them anyway! It’s your life! The light is shining on you! A connection that has been toxic for far too long needn’t be so anymore. You can cut the cord now, should you wish. Or, you could simply find a way to make it less poisonous. A snake’s venom poses no harm when the snake is at a distance. The choice is yours. After all, it’s your life!
In November, Mars and Pluto make an explosive and passionate connection whilst both planets form a tense alignment with Uranus. If there has been a state of limbo in regards to a specific area of your life for far too long, this is likely to be the month where a powerful shift occurs. To find out how this powerful time will affect you personally, please consider one of my vast array of Astrological Services!


November 2014 Monthly HoroscopesSagittarius (23rd November – 21st December) – When I was growing up, back in the Jurassic period, there was a magazine called Mad Magazine. There was a character in it, Alfred E. Neumann. His motto was, ‘What! Me Worry?’ I think that you need to get in touch with your inner Alfred this month. You don’t need the hassle.Where do you want to take your life? What do you want to be when you grow up? If your answers were all the way to the top, and someone who is following their passion, Bingo! the Chocolate Factory is all yours! By the way, I don’t want to grow up would also be an acceptable answer. On your ascent to the top, should you reach a point where there are several different paths you could take, please trust that the pressure of time is really just an illusion. You don’t have to decide immediately.You can even stop where you are and enjoy the view if you like! A bit of fresh air might even help to clear the confusion so that the path becomes obvious. The important things to remember? You always have freedom of choice. And, there really is no reason to either hurry or worry!
In November, Mars and Pluto make an explosive and passionate connection whilst both planets form a tense alignment with Uranus. If there has been a state of limbo in regards to a specific area of your life for far too long, this is likely to be the month where a powerful shift occurs. To find out how this powerful time will affect you personally, please consider one of my vast array of Astrological Services!


November 2014 Monthly HoroscopesCapricorn (22nd December – 20th January) – The best way to clear any fog which may be present in your life is to either turn up, or turn on your Inner Sun! Let your radiance, your purity cut through the confusion and set long needed changes in motion. When you are confident, there is much that you can accomplish. When you are powerful you can also shift many things in your life. But it is when you are confident in your power that mountains can be moved. You can accomplish such acts of heroism now. Your reluctance will only hold you back. The changes which you now have the power to set in motion are far reaching and stand the potential to affect more people than just yourself. And it is those for whom you care the deepest that you are most concerned. Whilst complete stability cannot be promised, the wheels you can now set in motion will be beneficial for all involved. Let love now guide the way. And remember that true love includes the willingness to let go!
In November, Mars and Pluto make an explosive and passionate connection whilst both planets form a tense alignment with Uranus. If there has been a state of limbo in regards to a specific area of your life for far too long, this is likely to be the month where a powerful shift occurs. To find out how this powerful time will affect you personally, please consider one of my vast array of Astrological Services!


November 2014 Monthly HoroscopesAquarius (21st January – 19th February) – No matter how strongly you may desire to do so, there simply is no way that you can rewrite history. There is, however, one way in which you can change the past. And fortunately, it doesn’t require time travel in the technical sense of the word. It is important that you revisit some potentially painful memories from the past so that you may have an opportunity to understand them from a vastly different perspective. Were you the victim? Or the hero/heroine? Regardless of your answer, it is important now to see yourself as the protagonist of your life’s story. It is through doing so that you can now change the course of your life. All that you have experienced in your life, no matter how challenging it was, led you to this moment. It is time to feel gratitude for that, rather than anger. You’re going to like what is getting ready to happen in your life. And the moment that you decide to be enthused about the future, rather than dreading it, is the moment that the shift will happen!
In November, Mars and Pluto make an explosive and passionate connection whilst both planets form a tense alignment with Uranus. If there has been a state of limbo in regards to a specific area of your life for far too long, this is likely to be the month where a powerful shift occurs. To find out how this powerful time will affect you personally, please consider one of my vast array of Astrological Services!


November 2014 Monthly HoroscopesPisces (20th February – 20th March) – Although a cocoon can certainly feel woolly, secure and snug, and is vital to the process of becoming a butterfly; you can’t remain inside of it forever. At some point you must spread your wings and fly. Although you may feel uneasy with your new wings, it is important that you test them out. You now have an important decision to make in terms of whether you should hold onto that with which you have become familiar, or take flight. Although your concern that you do the right thing may be holding you back, it is important that you know that through setting yourself free you would be doing the right thing. Put your energy behind the things that mean the most to you in November and you will find that your life changes for the better in a radical way!
In November, Mars and Pluto make an explosive and passionate connection whilst both planets form a tense alignment with Uranus. If there has been a state of limbo in regards to a specific area of your life for far too long, this is likely to be the month where a powerful shift occurs. To find out how this powerful time will affect you personally, please consider one of my vast array of Astrological Services!