Not Taken In – Moon in Krittika January 2nd, 2023


Moon in Krittika – When you are in a secure emotional state, you are less likely to get taken in by unwanted seductions! You know what I mean, those tricks designed to make you believe something when it is against your better will to do so! You can see something clearly now! That places you in a place of power! You are ready for something to change and this could be the impulse to set things in motion!

Want to Work One-to-One with Me over Four Sessions through the Success, Purpose and Prosperity Plan? This week will be the last opportunity to do so as I will stop accepting One-to-One Clients for this Program! Price is now $444 or Two Monthly Payments of $222. Increases Tuesday Midnight!

Vara: Moon
Tithi: Shukla Dvadasi
Karana: Bava
Yoga: Subha

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