Mrigasira 30th January, 2015 – The Nth Degree

Sometimes, we can get too intellectual for our own good. We over-analyse matters to the nth degree, thereby creating more problems than we do solutions. Everything may not be perfect at the moment. There is a nagging sense of incompletion. But, should you let that be a reason for not celebrating your victory. You have likely had a recent breakthrough. Focusing on the problem is not likely to produce the results that you seek. But, taking your mind off of all that is seemingly bad and instead directing your attention to what is good may help you much more than you can imagine!

Uranus and Ketu, the South Node, are presently separating from their conjunction. Yet, the influence is still in effect. Over the course of the next few days, Venus will form a tense angle with Saturn whilst Mars will align harmoniously with Pluto. This coincides with a Sun-Mercury conjunction and an intensifying alignment between Saturn and Neptune. To find out more about how these alignments may impact you personally, please consider one of my Astrological Services!

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