Mental Sat Nav! – Venus in Shatabhishak 8th-20th January, 2020

In your quest to make things better, it seems like things are instead getting crazier! But perhaps crazier is better! After all, who wants a normal lifestyle? Well, okay, stupid question! But, fact of the matter is that it is what it is and all you can do is to do what you can do! So, keep on doing it! Your actions are coming from a space of devotion! So, you know that love will always triumph! And even if things seem to work out logistically wrong by your present standards of judgement, then you will know ultimately that it is right that it does so! In short, you know this is what you have to do! But, you don’t know the outcome! That is okay for now! Don’t let your mind deceive your heart into taking a different path unless your mind speaks the language of your heart! There are times when your mental Sat Nav is not clear about the road works ahead. So, best to trust your inner compass!
Eclipse cycles are associated with powerful energy that has the potential to shift the course of the next 6 months of your life! FInd out what the Partial Lunar Eclipse in Punarvasu Nakshatra can do for you by scheduling an Astrological Service today!

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