Mars in Jyeshtha Nakshatra 9th Feb.-1st March, 2018

Stop!!! This is too confusing! Why should you have to cope with this? You know what you want! But, it seems like you are in a position where you are not going to get it…at least not for now. But the steps that you take in the present moment, however reluctant you may feel to take them, are important. Though they seem to keep you stuck dealing with the consequences of a previous decision, they are actually helping you to sort through the chaos blocking your path to progress! As Mars transits Jyeshtha Nakshatra, please do you best to try and see this!


Now that we have passed the Total Lunar Eclipse, we are in the powerful period between eclises as a Solar Eclipse takes place 15th February! To find out about the impact of this Celestial Event upon your own personal astrology, please Click Here!


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