Hopefully you have learned from past actions not to make the same mistake again. Pride serves no one, and least of all you. It feels as if your life is hanging in the balance and the scales are tipping from one side to another, not finding stasis but shifting wildly. You may find it hard to work harmoniously with another. But, you now need to bring your effort and insight to bear upon doing so. Together you can make a difference. Alone you can make a fool of yourself.
I have just uploaded the first of soon to be many Vedic Astrology Classes to my Subscribers’ Section. There are also currently two Video Forecasts available to you in my Subscribers’ Section, Jupiter Conjunct Venus and a Weekly Video Forecast for the week starting today! There are many more Subscriber Benefits available to you, such as substantial discounts on my Astrological Services in addition to two Astrology Classes per month. You can look for the first astrology class within the next day or so and then a New Moon Video just in time for this celestial event! A Free 7 Day Trial is available to you and you can cancel at any time. For further information, please Click Here!
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