Lost in the Torrent! – Full Moon in Uttara Bhadrapada 20th September, 2021

Full Moon in Uttara Bhadrapada – Face it! You fear success far more than you fear failure in your life! Will you be able to maintain it? How will your life change if you do actually achieve what you are wanting to experience?

Success means responsibility! With failure, you can always make excuses as to why you couldn’t fulfil your role. But to succeed means that you cannot hide from it! Could that be why, with the Full Moon in Uttara Bhadrapada, you find yourself questioning something good and wondering if it will turn sour due to neglect or lack of awareness on your part?

Why question a good thing? When something works, it works! When something is good, it’s good! But then there are the natural flows that the Universe has in store for us! After all, even the tide ebbs and flows!

You are concerned that you will commit totally and be left in a difficult position! After all, it cannot always be high tide, can it! Honestly, no! But it can’t always be low tide either.

And if a constant high tide were possible, would you get lost in the torrent?

You have recently had a taste of what could be! And you liked it! But now, it is seeming that more input than expected is being asked of you! You are not sure what you got yourself into! So, you are questioning the path ahead. Leave doubt stranded on the shore and surrender yourself wholeheartedly to what you sense to be the right direction…because it is!

Daily Panchangam
Vara: Mars
Tithi: Full Moon Purnima
Karana: Bava
Yoga: Vriddhi

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Full Moon in Uttara Bhadrapada

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