This could be just the answer that you have been looking for, only it’s not quite the answer you were hoping for! It’s going to take some work. It will likely mean doing things you’d rather not do! But the fact of the matter is, if you are willing to put your energy behind it and get creative and remain flexible, a breakthrough could be possible! Don’t discount an idea today because it is not perfect. It could be precisely what you need!

Daily Panchangam
Vara: Mercury
Tithi: Krishna Tritiya
Karana: Vanija
Yoga: Subha

Extended! Teal Thursday Offer! At Least 10% Off of Lowest Sliding Scale Fee on All Consultations! You can Schedule with me through the Astrological Services Page!

While you’re at it, please check out the New Pulse Parlour, the Social Media Platform at Pulse of the Universe!