Which is the strongest within you, your fear of the unknown? Or your faith in yourself to face any challenges which may arise with strength and awareness? When you are under pressure, are you merely a lump who hides under the blankets, or does the tension create a multifaceted diamond? We are each being tested, and the Universe does not want us to hide. It wants us to honour the Truth.
The closest correlation we can find in our self-limited minds to the Truth is reality. Ahh…..that word! So seemingly concrete but utterly elusive. Each time we try to grasp it, it slips through our fingers. So, it seems that when things are going our way, fate plays its hand and presents us with cold, hard facts. Yet, often when we think that things are going to turn out foul, quite the opposite happens and we are presented with a silver lining to an apparent cloud.
We are each a Grand Illusionist, playing a vanishing act with our potential. We play hide and seek with ourselves out of a fear of ‘growing up’. We think that maturity represents an end to pleasure. Yet what could be more able to provide a deeper sense of contentment than Self-Knowledge and resultant Self-Acceptance? We are being asked to hide no more. And to ensure that we do not, the Cosmos is presenting us with a rather jarring revelation geared towards Self-Awakening.
Between now and this summer, we are under the influence of a rather tense astrological climate known as a T-Square. The Cosmic Collaborators involved are Expansive Jupiter, Deeply and Passionately Transformational Pluto and Radically Random Uranus.
Jupiter, as it is currently retrograde in the sign of Cancer and the Lunar Mansion of Ardra asks for a deepening of commitment to growth through a willingness to explore the borders of our security and to do so with open eyes, neither bolstering a sense of false bravado nor attracting external attention to one’s pain through victim mentality. Humility does not necessitate smallness, but instead recognition and acceptance of one’s gifts and the potential to wield them with confidence through life’s stormy seas. To do so is not arrogant.
Pluto will broker no opposition in its transit of Capricorn and Purva Ashadha. The places where we are stuck need release. Healthy analysis of the entity who confronts us daily in the mirror will carry us through the fires of vulnerability straight to the heart of our potential; the true natural state of our soul. This journey need be intense for only through its depth of tension will we find the ability to dig more deeply into our reserves to the extent that we strike the motherlode.
Uranus is presently in Aries and the Lunar Mansion of Uttara Bhadrapada, but will soon enter the Lunar Mansion Revati. The Unknown may seem dark and foreboding. But, is that merely a trick of the light? Are we witnessing it as such due to the fact that we must accept that there is much that we do not know? Through openness and a willingness to be proven wrong pleasant surprises may result. And yes, pride can also conversely precede a fall. Be prepared to overturn every paradigm and accept that reality may not be as you see it. That need not be disheartening, for there is new territory to explore and progress to be made.
The fulcrum points of exactitude in these series of alignments are as follows: Jupiter opposes Pluto within days on the 31st January, then squares off with Uranus on 26th February. Then later as we enter spring, Jupiter in forward motion once again squares off with Uranus on 20th April, then opposes Pluto again on 21st April as Pluto simultaneously squares Uranus. That is a massive amount of astrological energy within two days.
Fear not? No, I would say respect what you are feeling, but muster the faith to face any challenges that may arise. Be passionate and philosophical. Be radical and revolutionary. In doing so, you will be amazed at what awaits in the most prosperous of manners.
I will be holding a workshop The Lunar Mansions: Fine Tuning the Music of the Spheres at the Kairos School of Astrology in Glastonbury, UK 8th March, 2014. Advanced registration for the course is £50. For more information on the course, please Click Here.
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