When you have been hungry for an eternity, you might consider eating at first opportunity. When you are extremely parched, a drink of cold water does the trick and is exceptionally refreshing. But, simply because you have been in a state of depravity, should you continue to settle for the first available thing to eat and drink? Sensibility tells us that our desires expand the borders of our needs urging us to ever deeper levels of satiation, not just basic survival.
Every human is not made the same. We all have different impulses which drive us, contrasting levels of ethics and various ideas of what is, and is not acceptable. Yet even if we were all made of the exact same mindstuff, we all yearn for a greater level of fulfillment from life. As the tension builds over the course of an intensifying spring of astrological alignments which consist of a powerfully tense alignment between Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto and which culminate with a potentially explosive aspect between Mars, Jupiter, Pluto and Uranus in late April, stability is something which may be lacking from the lives of many. As a natural response, fear drives us to a state of frenzy in which an opportunity can be eschewed in favour of fulfilling a need that may be deemed as essential for survival.
As Jupiter stations at approximately 10:42 am GMT on 6th March in preparation for its shift towards forward motion, we are being reminded to see beyond the immediate. Jupiter is in the sign of Cancer and the Lunar Mansion of Ardra. Obsessive thinking can lead to ‘slave mentality’ which only furthers living in a state of deprivation. Yet, what might your sense of inspiration be telling you is possible? Is it only a fantasy? Do you have a right to envision and even desire something so large? You will not find your stability in the mundane. Although great pleasure can be found in simplicity, it is only due to the fact that a deeper level of appreciation is cultivated for something which is quite ordinary. Our natural tendency is to explore and to dream. Please do not misconstrue that I may be suggesting that a reckless state of abandon be adopted and an obscenely decadent lifestyle be pursued. By all means, appreciate each moment of wonder simplicity has to offer you. But, don’t narrow your vision simply because you fear dreaming will only lead to a state of delusion. The truly amazing comes only to those who envision it and take every possible step to make it a reality. Don’t merely settle for second best. Ensure security, but strive for excellence.
I will be holding a workshop The Lunar Mansions: Fine Tuning the Music of the Spheres at the Kairos School of Astrology in Glastonbury, UK 8th March, 2014. Advanced registration for the course is £50. Course is by pre-registration only and space is reserved. For more information on the course, please Click Here.
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