Sometimes the way forward doesn’t reveal itself in either a simple or straightforward manner! A clearer perspective on what now needs to happen may not show you the most practical of solutions! And should it be vital to you that your pride remain intact throughout the process, you are likely not going to be satisfied either! Rather than look down your nose at a situation, you would be better suited to sniff out the direction in which the wind is blowing! The limitations you have recently faced have taught you humility. The less you think of that as something which has been debasing and instead embrace it as something that can be uplifting, the sooner you will solve the puzzle! Sometimes something or someone that we are all too willing to cast aside as being worthless ends up being a gem! Don’t be too quick to judge nor to be too finicky. Put your pride to the side! With Mercury transiting Ashlesha Nakshatra, it is time to do the honourable thing and embrace the transformative process that is now offering you the sense of direction you have been lacking for far too long!

Would you like to know about the position of Rahu and Ketu in your horoscope and how it defines your path? Join the Group Session on Rahu and Ketu scheduled for 19th August!



