Empty and Full – Moon in Uttara Phalguni 25th December, 2021

Uttara Phalguni

Happy Christmas!

Moon in Uttara Phalguni – Too much enthusiasm and you will likely bubble over the top and be left with an empty glass! But, what good is a filled glass if you cannot enjoy it? So equally, too much restraint can also spoil the moment. You like what you are now beginning to sense. But, you are not wild about the actions that need to be taken to bring matters to fruition. Don’t go over the top, but equally don’t remain at the bottom! The confidence you now feel? That is plenty and what you need to focus on more than anything else!

Would you like to know what 2022 holds in store for you? Schedule a 2022 Year Ahead Consultation!

Daily Panchangam
Vara: Saturn
Tithi: Krishna Saptami
Karana: Vishti
Yoga: Saubhagya

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